台灣 俗語

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次序--- 臺語發音-- 用漢字表達----------------- 英文解釋----------------------------- 國語發音及類似用語
Order Pronunciation Expression Explanations When pronounced in Mandarin & Mandarin counterpart(s)
155 jio1 shu4pue6 足 適配 Match each other perfectly. [zu2 shi4pei4] “門當 戶對”, “天生 的 一對 兒。”
50 die1 ge2a4 竹 鷄子 Member of a street gang. "A bamboo cock." [zhu2 ji1zi0] “混混”,“小流氓。”
67 bhu6 sa4ha6 霧 颯颯 Messy in appearance or condition so that there is no way to see what's going on. [wu4 sa4sa4] “亂七八糟”, “毫無 條理 可循。”
189 li5li1 ko1ko5 理理 可可, 離離 扣扣 Messy, order-less. [li3li3 ke3ke3, li2li2 kou4kou4] “亂糟糟 的”,“散散亂亂 的。”
111 san1be3 產婆 Midwife. [chan3po2] “接生 婆。”
98 wui6sieng5 bo6diu84 衛生 部長 Minister of Public Health literally, used to mock at somebody too picky about cleanness and hygiene. [wei4sheng1 bu4zhang3]
105 xin1bhun5 思慕 Miss (a person). Such as a child misses his mother while the child is away from home and the mother is not around. [si1mu4] “想念。”
95 go1yi6 古意 Modest, rule-following, law-abiding. Almost too honest to not belong to ancient times. [gu3yi4] “老老實實,誠誠懇懇”,“不像 現代 的人 這麽 機靈 的。”
140 gan5ko1 ji83 艱苦 錢 Money earned by hard-work. [jian1ku3 qian2] “辛苦 錢。”
176 chu4bha1 鼠目 Mouse eyed. With very limited eyesight. [shu3mu4] “一千五百度。”

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