台灣 俗語

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次序--- 臺語發音-- 用漢字表達----------------- 英文解釋----------------------------- 國語發音及類似用語
Order Pronunciation Expression Explanations When pronounced in Mandarin & Mandarin counterpart(s)
190 an1nia2 wei2! 俺娘 喂! Oh! My God! Oh! My Mom! [an1nia2 wei2] “我的 媽 呀!”
188 de4 cu4ga5 壓 厝角 Old and not married. Literally "to be pressed down in a corner of the house." [ya1 cuo4jiao3] “老 單身。”
157 lao6 o2a4 老 芋子 Old veteran soldier or soldiers. Usually referring to the veterans who came to Taiwan with Jiu81 Diong5jieng6 Zong1tong4[蔣 中正 總統] (President Jiang3 the Square and Upright) also known as Jiu81 Gai4shi1 Wui1wan5diu84 [蔣 介石 委員長] (Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek.) [lao3 yu2zi0] “老兵。”
170 dieng1guan3 頂高 On, on top of. [ding3gao1] “在。。。上面。”
88 ji6lia6 tao3 neng6lia6 dua5 一粒 頭 兩粒 大 One head becomes the size of two heads. When one has too much to worry, the size of his head doubles. Also see "tao3 ka1 dua6 sin1." [yi1li4 tou2 liang6li4 da4] “一個 頭, 兩個 大。”
40 bang4hui4 e6 ge1de1 gio4 giu4hui4 放火 的 更在 叫 救火 One who set the fire calls people to put out the fire. Crying wolf. [fang4huo3 de0 geng4zai4 jiao4 jiu4huo3]
41 ze4ca1 e6 de1gio4 lia6ca1 做竊 的 在叫 捉竊 One who stole calls people to catch the thief. [zuo4qie4 de1 zai4jiao4 zhuo1qie4]
32 gan5a1 e6 bang4 ge5shai4 bhe6e6 se85 ge5neng5 僅子 會 放 鷄屎 不會 生 雞卵 Only be able to extrude crap and not able to lay eggs. To only make trouble and no production. [jin3zi6 hui4 fang4 ji1shi3 bu2hui4 sheng1 ji1luan3] “專 會 搗蛋,不 事 生產。”
110 chao4 hui1da1 臭 火乾 Overcooked, burnt. [chou4 huo3gan1] “燒焦 的。”
192 qio5ge1 秋哥 Overly obsessed with sex. [qiu1ge1] “有點兒 性狂。”

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