台灣 俗語

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次序--- 臺語發音-- 用漢字表達----------------- 英文解釋----------------------------- 國語發音及類似用語
Order Pronunciation Expression Explanations When pronounced in Mandarin & Mandarin counterpart(s)
3 bhai4 ge1 gao6shai4 壊 更 厚屎 Ugly and full of crap. [huai4 geng4 hou4shi3] “醜人 多 作怪” 或者 “醜 八怪。”
17 bhai1go5go3 壞糊糊 Ugly. [huai4hu2hu2] “醜 ” 或者 “很醜。”
173 lao5dieng4, lao5ka1 樓頂,樓脚 Upstairs, downstairs. [lou1ding3, lou2jiao3] “樓上,樓下。”
195 jia6cai6 e6 吃菜 的 Vegetarian. [chi1cai4 de0] “素食者。”
198 jio1 yao1shiu5 足 夭壽 Very cruel, very merciless, very bad. [zu2 yao1shou4] “非常 殘忍”,“非常 沒 人性”, “非常 壞。”
68 hao6diu84 giam5 gong4jieng1 校長 兼 摜鐘 Wear multiple hats, in the sense of taking care of everything. Literally, the principal of the school also tolls the bell. [xiao4zhang3 jian1 guan4zhong1] “大事 小事 都 包辦。”
43 sa1mi1 liao1bu1ki4 什麽 了不起 ! What is the big deal! [shen2me0 liao3bu4qi3] “有 什麽 大不了 的 !”
89 ai4sui4 mu6gia85 lao5 pi86zui4 愛水 不驚 流 鼻水 When a girl or a woman wants to look pretty, she will risk catching cold by not putting on enough clothes. [ai4shui3 bu4jing1 liu2 bi2shui3]
90 kua4cui6 jia6 su4hong1 濶嘴 吃 四方 When you see a male with a big mouth (literally), you will likely say this to him, meaning "a big mouth will be able to eat in the four corners of the earth and will never starve." It can also mean "to prosper in the four corners" and so on. [kuo4zui3 chi1 si4fang1]
64 he1 ga5 zai6 好 佳 在 With a stroke of good luck. When something was going wrong and then "with a stroke of good luck", and so on, and so forth. [hao3 jia1 zai4] “好在”, “幸好。”

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