台灣 俗語

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次序--- 臺語發音-- 用漢字表達----------------- 英文解釋----------------------------- 國語發音及類似用語
Order Pronunciation Expression Explanations When pronounced in Mandarin & Mandarin counterpart(s)
166 shiu5gia81 收驚 Collect and expel the Surprise Spirit. See "shiu6dio6 ce85gia81 受到 青驚 (Surprise has entered the body.)" [shou1jing1]
138 sao4qiu1 ce81 掃帚 星 Comet. An ill-luck inducing person. [sao4zhou3 xing1] “剋星。”
158 qiong5wan2 a4 充員 子 Conscripted soldier or soldiers. [chong1yuan2 zi0] “充員兵。”
103 ze4hi4 kong1, kua84hi4 ghong5. 做戲 狂, 看戲 戇。 Crazy people make movies; stupid people watch them. [zuo4xi4 kuang2, kan4xi4 zhuang4]
193 diam6 zhu5zhu1 沉 珠珠 Dead quiet. Literally "pearls sunk at the bottom of the water," referring to a person being quiet without making any noise. [chen2 zhu1zhu1] “不聲不響。”
7 a1a4 tia85 lui3 鴨子 聼 雷 Duck listens to the thunder; it does not understand. Expressing not-understanding. [ya1zi6 ting1 lei2] 類似 “對 牛 彈琴。”
139 gan5ko1 tan6 艱苦 賺 Earn money by hard-work. [jian1ku3 zhuan4] “賺 辛苦 錢。”
101 jia6 cai4 bhui1a4 吃 菜 尾子 Eat the leftover. You have to see that after a banquet is over, such as one served right after the wedding ceremony, how much is left! Because not to waste is one of the virtues valued in the Taiwanese traditions, the leftover from the banquet will be collected and distributed to relatives. Nowadays, there might be a better system of taking care of this stuff. To me, it is only reasonable that a shelter be easily contacted and the leftover swiftly taken care of so that nothing is wasted. Do not forget that the dishes the leftover stuff came from were delicious and expensive, although the cost was mostly covered by the guests gifting the hosts with "ang5bao1 [紅包] (red envelopes.)" [chi1 cai4 wei3zi0]
27 jia6gin4 gong4pua4 wa84 吃緊 摜破 碗 Eating too fast, one will dash his rice bowl. Haste makes waste. [chi1jin3 guan4po4 wan3] “欲速 則 不達。”
123 an4nai5 按内 Entertain a guest. [an4nei4] “招待。”

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