台灣 俗語

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次序--- 臺語發音-- 用漢字表達----------------- 英文解釋----------------------------- 國語發音及類似用語
Order Pronunciation Expression Explanations When pronounced in Mandarin & Mandarin counterpart(s)
186 ge5bhe1 ka5cheng5 cui6 雞母 脚穿 嘴 Mouth of gossips. A mouth that functions like the ass of a hen. [ji1mu3 jiao3chuan1 zui3] “鷄婆 嘴。”
137 pua4ge4 cui6 破格 嘴 Mouth of ill-omen. [po4ge2 zui3] “霉運 嘴。”
145 ang6gun1 gin2a4 項頸 筋子 Neck. [xiang4jing3 jin1zi0] “脖子。”
203 ya6be3 夜婆 Night old lady, a bat [ye4po2] “蝙蝠。”
102 a4 liao2a4 bhe5 ge4me3 do6gun4 鴨 寮子 無 隔眠 蚯蚓 No earthworm can survive the duck house overnight. [ya1 liao2zi0 wu2 ge2mian2 qiu1yin3]
162 bhe5 hua1do5 無 法度 No way. Hopeless. [wu2 fa3du4] “沒有 辦法。”
75 gan5ko4 bhe5 lang5 zai1 艱苦 無 人 知 Nobody knows my hardship. [jian1ku3 wu2 ren2 zhi1] “有苦 説 不出。”
30 hen6jia4 de5 ya1bhe5gao6 na4wu6tang5 pa6gua81 現吃 就 還不夠 哪有通 曝乾 Not have enough to eat for now, let alone to have any remaining for making sun-dried preserve. [xian4chi1 jiu4 hai2bu2gou4 na3you3tong1 sai4gan1]
108 jia6bhi4 mu6 zai2ya84 bhi1ge6 吃米 不 知影 米價 Not know the price of the rice oneself is eating. [chi1mi3 bu4 zhi1yang4 mi3jia4] “對 實際 情況 懵然 沒有 概念”, “不 切 實際,不懂 人情 世故。”
58 mu86 zhai5 kin5dang5 不 知 輕重 Not mature, not knowing the differences between what are correct and what are not. Not knowing the significance if a bad move is taken and what differences it will make. [bu4 zhi1 qin1zhong4] “夯不郎當 的。”

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