台灣 俗語

爲了 練習 臺語,我 曾經 把 新約聖經 從頭到尾 翻譯 成 臺語。後來
又 把 莎士比亞 的 “錯誤 的 戲劇” 也 翻譯 了。這裏 是 我 一點一滴
正在 收集 的 台灣 俗語。希望 你 喜歡。敬請 多多 指教!謝謝!

Hi! You are welcome!

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次序--- 臺語發音-- 用漢字表達----------------- 英文解釋----------------------------- 國語發音及類似用語
Order Pronunciation Expression Explanations When pronounced in Mandarin & Mandarin counterpart(s)
143 "lao6su1 zai4jian4!" ang2a1tao3 xio5en4. ang2a1tao3 en1su1; lao6su1 kiao5gu1. “老師 再見!” 紅子頭 相掀。 紅子頭 掀輸;老師 翹龜。 "Goodbye, Teacher!" bids the baby carton character; and they grapple. The baby carton character loses the game; however, the teacher also becomes a hunchback teacher. ["lao3shi1 zai4jian4!" hong2zi0tou3 xiang1xian1. hong2zi0tou2 xian1shu4; lao3shi1 qiao4gui1.] 這 是 國民政府 推行 國語運動 的 時候,早期的 學者小朋友 所作 的 一首 兒童 打油 詩。内容 雖然 沒什麽 真正的 意義,倒是 真的 押韻 了。好玩的 是 第一句 還 必須 用 國語 發音,才能 押韻。
7 a1a4 tia85 lui3 鴨子 聼 雷 Duck listens to the thunder; it does not understand. Expressing not-understanding. [ya1zi6 ting1 lei2] 類似 “對 牛 彈琴。”
102 a4 liao2a4 bhe5 ge4me3 do6gun4 鴨 寮子 無 隔眠 蚯蚓 No earthworm can survive the duck house overnight. [ya1 liao2zi0 wu2 ge2mian2 qiu1yin3]
89 ai4sui4 mu6gia85 lao5 pi86zui4 愛水 不驚 流 鼻水 When a girl or a woman wants to look pretty, she will risk catching cold by not putting on enough clothes. [ai4shui3 bu4jing1 liu2 bi2shui3]
190 an1nia2 wei2! 俺娘 喂! Oh! My God! Oh! My Mom! [an1nia2 wei2] “我的 媽 呀!”
123 an4nai5 按内 Entertain a guest. [an4nei4] “招待。”
52 ang5 Guai5gong1 be6 Lao5bi5 o5 Di5hui1 zao1 ki4 bhi5 紅 關公 白 劉備 黑 張飛 走 去 避 Red Guang5gong1, white Lao5bi5, and black Di5hui1 have all gone and hid themselves. Actually a riddle to name a bun. When there is a festival in Taiwan, you will see this kind of buns. The skin is red, and under the skin is white bread, with bean stuffing that has been cooked and made into a black paste. And again, there are two styles: the leavened-bread style and the unleavened-bread style. The leavened-bread style resembles the western style bread and comes in only one flavor; the unleavened-bread style is more traditional and the buns are often stamped to resemble a turtle and often come in different flavors. By the way, the traditional way of making bread is to steam, not to bake. [hong2 Guang1gong1 bai2 Liu2bei4 hei1 Zhang1fei1 zou3 qu4 bi4] “紅龜”, “紅龜糕。”
115 ang5 yi82a4 紅 嬰 子 Baby. [hong2 ying1 zi0] “嬰孩。”
122 ang5bao1 紅包 Red envelope. People put their gift money in a red envelope to give to the host when there is a celebration, such as a birthday party, New Year's Eve party, and other similar occasions. It can also be given to members of the immediate family. [hong2bao1]
145 ang6gun1 gin2a4 項頸 筋子 Neck. [xiang4jing3 jin1zi0] “脖子。”

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