台灣 俗語

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次序--- 臺語發音-- 用漢字表達----------------- 英文解釋----------------------------- 國語發音及類似用語
Order Pronunciation Expression Explanations When pronounced in Mandarin & Mandarin counterpart(s)
134 wu6en3 有緣 Have a mysterious tie in between. This concept is used to explain why a couple met -- among all the multitudes of the "rin5sua81 rin5hai4 [人山 人海] (People Mountain People Sea,)" why two particular people met and became a couple? Hmm.... [you3yuan2] “有 緣份”,“月下 老人 牽 紅綫。” 或者 “也 不知道 怎麽 解釋,反正 看到 這個人,就 覺得 很爽利!”
152 wu6 ji6le5 pia5 有 一個 癖 Have a propensity for something bad. [you3 yi2ge4 pi4] “有個 癖好”, “有個 壞 習慣。”
150 kiao1ki6 a6 翹去 了 Have died. [kiao1ki6 a6] “翹辮子 了。”
181 dio6dio6 bhai1jieng6 e6 着到 壊症 的 Have incurred bad illness. Such as cancer, etc. [zhao2dao4 huai4zheng4 de0 ] “得了 不好 的 症頭。”
107 bhe5 ten5lion3 無 天良 Have no conscience. [wu2 tian1liang2] “沒 良心。”
135 bhe5en3 無緣 Have no mysterious tie in between. To have an inexplicable animosity toward somebody. [wu2yuan2] “無緣”,“也 不 知道 怎麽 解釋,反正 看到 這個 人 就 覺得 討厭討厭 怪怪 的!”
31 jia6ba4 xiu85 yieng3 吃飽 太 閒 Have nothing to do after eating too much. [chi1bao3 tai4 xian2] “無聊。”
126 jia6 mu86dio6 yio2a4 吃 不對 藥子 Have taken the wrong medicine. He is not himself; there must be something wrong with him. [chi1 bu2dui4 yao4zi0] “吃錯 藥。”
197 min5 you5you1 面 憂憂 Having a face that is soaked in worries. [mian4 you1you1] “愁容 滿面。”
87 tao3 ka1 dua6 sin1 頭 較 大 身 Head becomes larger than the body. When one has too much to worry about, his head becomes larger than his body. Also see "ji6lia6 tao3 neng6lia6 dua5." [tou2 jiao4 da4 shen1]

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