台灣 俗語

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次序--- 臺語發音-- 用漢字表達----------------- 英文解釋----------------------------- 國語發音及類似用語
Order Pronunciation Expression Explanations When pronounced in Mandarin & Mandarin counterpart(s)
117 jio1 ga4yi6 足 愜意 Feel really satisfied. [zu2 qie4yi4] “真 滿意”, “真是 再 好不過 了。”
184 ge5 nua2a4 雞 媛子 Female chicken. Usually referring to a young female chicken before she becomes a hen. [ji1 yuan2zi0] “小 母鷄。”
200 you1hao6 友孝 Filial piety. To practice filial piety. To Love one's parents. [you3xiao4] “孝順。”
160 jio1 ha6su1 足 合適 Fit perfectly. Usually referring to the upper and lower parts of clothing that fit perfectly. [zu2 he2shi4] “很 合適”, “非常 合適。”
29 he1se4 dang5dang1 好勢 噹噹 Fit snugly. To fit in a situation or position perfectly. [hao3shi4 dang1dang1]
92 ho5sin3 雨神 Fly, flies. [yu3shen1] “蒼蠅。”
72 hiong5hiong3 bhe6 gi6 (ji6) li6 匆匆 未 記 (誌) 裏 Forget in a hurry. [cong1cong1 wei4 ji4 (zhi4) li3] “匆匆忙忙 都 忘記 了。”
14 pang5qieng4qieng6 香沁沁 Fragrant, permeating with or emitting fragrance. [xiang1qin4qin4] “香 噴噴。”
24 rin5zai3 liao1liao4 人才 了了 Full of talents. For example, if an office is staffed with many talents, you can say that the office is "rin5zai3 liao1liao4." [ren2cai2 liao3liao3] “人才 濟濟。”
130 qio4kui5 qio4kui1 笑詼 笑詼 Funny. Having a ready sense of humor. [xiao4hui1 xiao4hui1] “滑稽”, “幽默感 很 敏溜。”

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