台灣 俗語

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次序--- 臺語發音-- 用漢字表達----------------- 英文解釋----------------------------- 國語發音及類似用語
Order Pronunciation Expression Explanations When pronounced in Mandarin & Mandarin counterpart(s)
39 qia4 be5be3 赤 爸爸 Shrewish. Same as san5ba5. [chi4 ba4ba0] “與 ‘三八’ 同意。”
100 rin5 zhi5 cho1, sieng6 bun1 shen5 人 之 初, 性 本 善 Six characters that begin the Sa85 Ri6 Gieng1 [三字經] (Three-Character Classic.) They are saying, "In the beginning of a person's life, his nature is good and kind." [ren2 zhi1 chu1, xing4 ben3 shan4]
180 kun1tao5 kun1tao3 KUN頭 KUN頭 Slightly-round body that looks healthy and also rather powerful. [ken3tou2 ken3tou2] “有點 虎背熊腰 的 那種 體態。”
15 chao4go86g85 臭鼾鼾 Smelly, stinking. [chou4han1han1] “臭 烘烘。”
132 gui5e5 tao5ka5 ghong6ghong6 se4 整個 頭殼 戇戇 旋 So confused as if the whole head is whirling around. [zheng3ge0 tou2ke2 zhuang4zhuang4 xuan2] “迷迷糊糊”,“只 覺得 一只 腦袋瓜 兒 團團 轉。”
85 qio4si1 lang3 笑死 人! So ridiculous! How ridiculous! [xiao4 si3ren2] “笑死 人 了!” 或者 “荒唐死 人 了!”
146 hao6se81 後生 Son, sons. [hou4sheng1] “兒子。”
36 dan5 zhui1le3 響 水螺 Sound the siren. Zhui1le3 was a large water-snail; its shell was used to sound the siren before the modern version of the public alarm system was put in place. [xiang3 shui3luo2] “拉 警報。”
19 jia6 he1kang1 dao4 sio5be6 吃 好孔 兜 相報 Spread the news to share the secret if you have come upon a good fortune. [chi1 hao3kong3 dou1 xiang1bao4] 接近 “有福 大家 享。”
12 ho1tao3 niao1qi1bhui4 虎頭 貓鼠尾 Start with the tiger's head but yet end with a mouse's tail. Something that starts big but ends small. [hu3tou2 mao1shu3wei3] “虎頭 蛇尾。”

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