台灣 俗語

爲了 練習 臺語,我 曾經 把 新約聖經 從頭到尾 翻譯 成 臺語。後來
又 把 莎士比亞 的 “錯誤 的 戲劇” 也 翻譯 了。這裏 是 我 一點一滴
正在 收集 的 台灣 俗語。希望 你 喜歡。敬請 多多 指教!謝謝!

Hi! You are welcome!

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次序--- 臺語發音-- 用漢字表達----------------- 英文解釋----------------------------- 國語發音及類似用語
Order Pronunciation Expression Explanations When pronounced in Mandarin & Mandarin counterpart(s)
1 ce85me3 ge2a4 do1dio6 tang3 瞎明 鷄子 啄到 蟲 Lucky. A blind chicken pecks upon a worm. Saying that someone is really lucky. [xia1ming2 ji1zi0 zhuo2dao4 chong2] “瞎貓 捉到 死 老鼠。”
2 diam6diam5 jia6 sa85wa81gong5 bua86 沉沉 吃 三碗公 半 Still water runs deep. To have finished eating three and a half large bowls of rice quietly. In Taiwanese, a large bowl is called a "wa81 gong1 [碗公] (Grandpa bowl.)" [chen2chen2 chi1 san1wan3gong1 ban4] “看 不 出來。”
3 bhai4 ge1 gao6shai4 壊 更 厚屎 Ugly and full of crap. [huai4 geng4 hou4shi3] “醜人 多 作怪” 或者 “醜 八怪。”
4 he1jiu4 dim5 ong4de4 好酒 沉 甕底 Liquor of the best quality accumulates at the bottom of the urn. The best acts are reserved at the end of the show. [hao3jiu3 chen2 wong4di3] “好戲 在 後頭。”
5 qi4 kua84mai2 ya4 試 看覓 子 Try and see what happens. Also: let us eat and see what happens. Let us put it on and see what happens. Etc. You can see how frequently expressions based on this pattern are being used. [shi4 kan4mi4zi0] “試試 看。”
6 he1xim1 ho6 lui3 jim1 好心 與 雷 親 Good heart is kissed by the thunder. A good intention can be met with ugly reactions. When that happens, that is what they say. [hao6xin1 yu3 lei2 qin1] “好心 沒有 好報。”
7 a1a4 tia85 lui3 鴨子 聼 雷 Duck listens to the thunder; it does not understand. Expressing not-understanding. [ya1zi6 ting1 lei2] 類似 “對 牛 彈琴。”
8 o5 gan2a4 de1 dao6you3 黑 矸子 置 豆油 Black glass bottle is stored with soy sauce. You will never tell. [hei1 gan1zi0 di3 dou4you2.] “看 不 出來。”
9 gu1 qio4 bi5 bhe5bhui4 龜 笑 鱉 無尾 Tapestry-shell turtle laughs at the smooth-shell turtle that it has no tail. When A laughs at B for the trait that A himself possesses, C as a witness will laugh at A to mean "half pound of one and eight ounces of the other." Or B can also fire back at A by using this expression. [gui1 xiao4 bie1 wu2wei3] “五十步 笑 百步。”
10 go6 bu1 li6jiong1 故 不 離章 Let us get back to our subject (after beating around the bush all this time.) [gu4 bu4 li2zhang1] “言 歸 正傳。”

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