台灣 俗語

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次序--- 臺語發音-- 用漢字表達----------------- 英文解釋----------------------------- 國語發音及類似用語
Order Pronunciation Expression Explanations When pronounced in Mandarin & Mandarin counterpart(s)
40 bang4hui4 e6 ge1de1 gio4 giu4hui4 放火 的 更在 叫 救火 One who set the fire calls people to put out the fire. Crying wolf. [fang4huo3 de0 geng4zai4 jiao4 jiu4huo3]
128 bha1do4 yao1 腹肚 餓 Hungry. [fu4du4 e4] “肚子 餓。”
17 bhai1go5go3 壞糊糊 Ugly. [huai4hu2hu2] “醜 ” 或者 “很醜。”
3 bhai4 ge1 gao6shai4 壊 更 厚屎 Ugly and full of crap. [huai4 geng4 hou4shi3] “醜人 多 作怪” 或者 “醜 八怪。”
162 bhe5 hua1do5 無 法度 No way. Hopeless. [wu2 fa3du4] “沒有 辦法。”
107 bhe5 ten5lion3 無 天良 Have no conscience. [wu2 tian1liang2] “沒 良心。”
21 bhe5 zai3 hi84hi86 無 才 兮兮, 無 才 耳耳 Plain, talent-less, with an emphasis on appearance. Usually in reference to someone who appears mediocre or even stupid. [wu2 cai2 xi1xi1]
55 bhe5 zu5yong4 無 滋養 Ill nourishing. Being not good nutrition. Often used in other senses than physical, such as having bad influences on people's ways of thinking, etc. [wu2 zi1yang3] “沒 營養。”
113 bhe5dai6 bhe5ji6 無代 無志 Without any reason. Without any excuse. [wu2dai4 wu2zhi4] “毫無 理由 的”, “完全 不講 道理 的。 ”
135 bhe5en3 無緣 Have no mysterious tie in between. To have an inexplicable animosity toward somebody. [wu2yuan2] “無緣”,“也 不 知道 怎麽 解釋,反正 看到 這個 人 就 覺得 討厭討厭 怪怪 的!”

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