台灣 俗語

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次序--- 臺語發音-- 用漢字表達----------------- 英文解釋----------------------------- 國語發音及類似用語
Order Pronunciation Expression Explanations When pronounced in Mandarin & Mandarin counterpart(s)
137 pua4ge4 cui6 破格 嘴 Mouth of ill-omen. [po4ge2 zui3] “霉運 嘴。”
5 qi4 kua84mai2 ya4 試 看覓 子 Try and see what happens. Also: let us eat and see what happens. Let us put it on and see what happens. Etc. You can see how frequently expressions based on this pattern are being used. [shi4 kan4mi4zi0] “試試 看。”
39 qia4 be5be3 赤 爸爸 Shrewish. Same as san5ba5. [chi4 ba4ba0] “與 ‘三八’ 同意。”
121 qia81 lang5ke5 請 人客 Have a banquet prepared to entertain the guests. [qing3 ren2ke4] “請客。”
18 qieng4gua6gua5 嗆呱呱 Cocky. [qiang4gua1gua1] “嘬 得 要死。”
54 qieng5ge1 liu5liu1 清潔 溜溜 Clean and sleek. [qing1jie2 liu1liu1]
127 qieng5ki4 siu86 清氣 相 Immaculate. [qing1qi4 xiang4] “潔癖。”
76 qin4cai4 剩菜 Treat as leftover stuff. To not be picky. To let it be as much as possible. To finish up with as little effort as possible. To horse-horse-tiger-tiger it. [sheng4cai4] “隨便”,“馬馬虎虎。”
196 qio4 ha6ha1 笑 哈哈 Laugh with resounding laughter. Having the inclination of laughing out loud. [xiao4 ha1ha1] “哈哈 大笑”, “有 哈哈大笑 習慣 的。”
86 qio4de1 lang3 笑倒 人! Same as "qiao4 si1 lang3!" [xiao4 dao3 ren2]

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