台灣 俗語

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次序--- 臺語發音-- 用漢字表達----------------- 英文解釋----------------------------- 國語發音及類似用語
Order Pronunciation Expression Explanations When pronounced in Mandarin & Mandarin counterpart(s)
68 hao6diu84 giam5 gong4jieng1 校長 兼 摜鐘 Wear multiple hats, in the sense of taking care of everything. Literally, the principal of the school also tolls the bell. [xiao4zhang3 jian1 guan4zhong1] “大事 小事 都 包辦。”
146 hao6se81 後生 Son, sons. [hou4sheng1] “兒子。”
64 he1 ga5 zai6 好 佳 在 With a stroke of good luck. When something was going wrong and then "with a stroke of good luck", and so on, and so forth. [hao3 jia1 zai4] “好在”, “幸好。”
37 he1 ka5qiu4 好 腳手 Swift in action. Good feet and hands. [hao3 jiao3shou3] “敏捷”, “動作 快。”
4 he1jiu4 dim5 ong4de4 好酒 沉 甕底 Liquor of the best quality accumulates at the bottom of the urn. The best acts are reserved at the end of the show. [hao3jiu3 chen2 wong4di3] “好戲 在 後頭。”
29 he1se4 dang5dang1 好勢 噹噹 Fit snugly. To fit in a situation or position perfectly. [hao3shi4 dang1dang1]
6 he1xim1 ho6 lui3 jim1 好心 與 雷 親 Good heart is kissed by the thunder. A good intention can be met with ugly reactions. When that happens, that is what they say. [hao6xin1 yu3 lei2 qin1] “好心 沒有 好報。”
35 He5 Le1 lang3 河 洛 人 People that came from the areas He5 and Le4. These areas are in today's Northern China where the provinces of Shandong, Hebei, and Henan are. The so-called Taiwanese originally came from that general area. [He2 Luo4 ren2] “台灣 人。”
30 hen6jia4 de5 ya1bhe5gao6 na4wu6tang5 pa6gua81 現吃 就 還不夠 哪有通 曝乾 Not have enough to eat for now, let alone to have any remaining for making sun-dried preserve. [xian4chi1 jiu4 hai2bu2gou4 na3you3tong1 sai4gan1]
72 hiong5hiong3 bhe6 gi6 (ji6) li6 匆匆 未 記 (誌) 裏 Forget in a hurry. [cong1cong1 wei4 ji4 (zhi4) li3] “匆匆忙忙 都 忘記 了。”

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