台灣 俗語

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次序--- 臺語發音-- 用漢字表達----------------- 英文解釋----------------------------- 國語發音及類似用語
Order Pronunciation Expression Explanations When pronounced in Mandarin & Mandarin counterpart(s)
116 bhe5yi4 bhe5yi6 無意 無意 Pretend nothing happened when embarrassed. [wu2yi4 wu2yi4] “不 好意思 又 裝成 沒事 的 樣子。”
187 bhe6 gen4xiao6! 不 見羞! Shame! Shame on you! You have no shame! [bu1 jian4xiu1] “無恥!” “不 要臉!”
69 bhe6 jieng6bhe5 de6 未 曾未 就 Act rather too quickly. For example, A applies for a job, and instead of waiting for the result to come, he already celebrates by throwing a party. To describe a situation such as this, we will use the expression "bhe6 jieng6bhe5 de6 and so on..." [wei4 qian2hua4] “還 看不到 那麽 半點 影子,就 已經。。。”
96 bhi1jiu1 tao2 a4 米酒 頭子 Rice whisky. [mi3jiu3 tou2zi0] “米酒。”
67 bhu6 sa4ha6 霧 颯颯 Messy in appearance or condition so that there is no way to see what's going on. [wu4 sa4sa4] “亂七八糟”, “毫無 條理 可循。”
204 bhuei1a1gia84 尾子兒 Last-born son, youngest male among the siblings [wei3zi3er2] “老幺兒。”
171 bian1sen2a4 騙仙子 Swindler. [pian4xian1zi0] “騙子。”
26 cao1me1a4 lang3 ge5gang1 草螞子 逗 鷄公 Grasshopper rouses a cock. [cao3ma3zi0 dou4 ji1gong1]
1 ce85me3 ge2a4 do1dio6 tang3 瞎明 鷄子 啄到 蟲 Lucky. A blind chicken pecks upon a worm. Saying that someone is really lucky. [xia1ming2 ji1zi0 zhuo2dao4 chong2] “瞎貓 捉到 死 老鼠。”
154 cha5 bu1de2 a4 差 不多 子 Approximately. [cha1 bu1duo1 zi0] “差 不多 吧”, “大概 就是 這樣子 吧。”

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