台灣 俗語

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次序--- 臺語發音-- 用漢字表達----------------- 英文解釋----------------------------- 國語發音及類似用語
Order Pronunciation Expression Explanations When pronounced in Mandarin & Mandarin counterpart(s)
167 shai5gong1 師公 Master that can collect and expel evil spirits and perform other similar tasks. [shi1gong1] “陰陽 先生。”
178 she5 yi82a4 搓 圓仔 Kneed the sweet-rice balls with two palms. When people in Taiwan observe the Festival of dang5zhe5 [冬至] (the Arrival of Winter,) December the 22nd, they will do this. The parents will also tell their kids that from this day on, they are one year older. They will also say: "yi85yi83 dua6 tan4ji83 [圓圓 大 賺錢] (round and round and bring in big big bucks.)" [cuo1 yuan2zi0]
166 shiu5gia81 收驚 Collect and expel the Surprise Spirit. See "shiu6dio6 ce85gia81 受到 青驚 (Surprise has entered the body.)" [shou1jing1]
165 shiu6dio6 ce85gia81 受到 青驚 Surprise has entered the body. Traditionally, the mental health of a person is protected by a good spirit. When an evil spirit is able to bypass the protection -- in this case the evil spirit is the 'Surprise Spirit' -- that person becomes ill mentally. To amend, a shai5gong1 [師公] (master)has to come to collect this evil spirit and expel it. See "shiu5gia81 [收驚] (Collect and expel the Surprise Spirit.)" [shou4dao4 jing1jing1] “受到 驚嚇。”
16 shui1dang5dang1 水噹噹 Beautiful. [shui3dang1dang1] “漂漂亮亮 的。”
151 si1 kiao4kiao6 死 翹翹 Be dead soundly. [si3 qiao4qiao4]
159 sio5pa4 ge2a4 相打 鷄子 Street gang members. Also a nickname for the small gunboats of the Republic of China's Navy. Those small gunboats won this special nickname because of their frequent encounters in battle with the Mainland China Navy and won certain outstanding distinctions. [xiang1da3 ji1zi0] “小混混”, “小流氓。” 也是 中華民國 海軍 小 礟艦 的 別號。這種 小 礟艦 因爲 經常 與 中共 海軍 接觸 而 頗有 盛名。
53 sio6mi4 bhe5 he1hui6 俗物 無 好貨 Cheap stuff never proves to be good merchandise. [su2wu4 wu2 hao3huo4] “一分錢,一分貨。”
83 song1 wai85wai81 爽 歪歪! How cozy! Usually referring to the inside of a car, a room, or a house. [shuang3 wai1wai1] “真的 舒服 死人 了!”
141 ta6ce5 讀冊 Study. To go to school. [du2ce4] “讀書”, “上學。”

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