台灣 俗語

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次序--- 臺語發音-- 用漢字表達----------------- 英文解釋----------------------------- 國語發音及類似用語
Order Pronunciation Expression Explanations When pronounced in Mandarin & Mandarin counterpart(s)
81 lang5ke5 人客 Guest, guests. [ren2ke4] “客人。”
112 lao4shi2 a4 漏翅 子 Girl left alone from a group and easily become a prey for predators. [lou4chi4 zi0] “流鶯。”
173 lao5dieng4, lao5ka1 樓頂,樓脚 Upstairs, downstairs. [lou1ding3, lou2jiao3] “樓上,樓下。”
175 lao6 Jiu84 e6 老 蔣 的 Intimate title given to Jiu81 Diong5jieng6 Zong1tong4 [蔣 中正 總統] (President Jiang3 the Square and Upright), known in other countries as Jiu81 Gai4shi1 Zong1tong4 [蔣 介石 總統] (President Jiang3 the Upright Stone)or Jiu81 Gai4shi1 Wei1wan5diu84 [蔣 介石 委員 長] (Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek.) [lao3jiang3de0] “蔣 總統。”
157 lao6 o2a4 老 芋子 Old veteran soldier or soldiers. Usually referring to the veterans who came to Taiwan with Jiu81 Diong5jieng6 Zong1tong4[蔣 中正 總統] (President Jiang3 the Square and Upright) also known as Jiu81 Gai4shi1 Wui1wan5diu84 [蔣 介石 委員長] (Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek.) [lao3 yu2zi0] “老兵。”
142 len4deng4 輪轉 Be fluent in a language. [lun2zhuan3] “流利。”
48 li4 ma6 hao3 a5 你 馬 好 了 ! Here you go again! Talking about you again! Well?! [ni3 ma3 hao3 le0] “可 又 來!”
189 li5li1 ko1ko5 理理 可可, 離離 扣扣 Messy, order-less. [li3li3 ke3ke3, li2li2 kou4kou4] “亂糟糟 的”,“散散亂亂 的。”
42 ma1ma1 hu5hu1 la4 馬馬 虎虎 啦 ! Horse-horse-tiger-tiger it. Let us let it pass without any more fussing. Referring to a job that is poorly done. [ma3ma3 hu3hu3] “隨便 啦 !” 或者 “管 他的 !”
197 min5 you5you1 面 憂憂 Having a face that is soaked in worries. [mian4 you1you1] “愁容 滿面。”

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