台灣 俗語

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次序--- 臺語發音-- 用漢字表達----------------- 英文解釋----------------------------- 國語發音及類似用語
Order Pronunciation Expression Explanations When pronounced in Mandarin & Mandarin counterpart(s)
110 chao4 hui1da1 臭 火乾 Overcooked, burnt. [chou4 huo3gan1] “燒焦 的。”
15 chao4go86g85 臭鼾鼾 Smelly, stinking. [chou4han1han1] “臭 烘烘。”
61 chu1 shai1 出 師 Graduate from an apprenticeship. [chu1 shi1]
176 chu4bha1 鼠目 Mouse eyed. With very limited eyesight. [shu3mu4] “一千五百度。”
194 chuan1 gua6gui6 喘 大氣 Paint with long and deep breaths. Such as one does after serious physical exertions or astonishment. [chuan3 da4qi4] “氣喘 如牛。”
36 dan5 zhui1le3 響 水螺 Sound the siren. Zhui1le3 was a large water-snail; its shell was used to sound the siren before the modern version of the public alarm system was put in place. [xiang3 shui3luo2] “拉 警報。”
93 dao4 sa85gang1 兜 三工 Help. [dou1 san1gong1] “幫忙。”
188 de4 cu4ga5 壓 厝角 Old and not married. Literally "to be pressed down in a corner of the house." [ya1 cuo4jiao3] “老 單身。”
91 den1 hong5sin3 展 瘋神 Show off. [zhan3 fong1shen2] “出 風頭”,“炫耀。”
120 Di5 Ba1gai6 豬 八戒 Pig the Eight Abstentions. One of the disciples who accompanied their master, Dong5 Shan5jiong6 [唐 山藏] (Tang2 the Treasure Hid in the Mountain), on their Journey to the West to fetch the Buddhist Bible from India. A fat and roundly-shaped person. [zhu1 ba1jie4] “大 胖子。”

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