台灣 俗語

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次序--- 臺語發音-- 用漢字表達----------------- 英文解釋----------------------------- 國語發音及類似用語
Order Pronunciation Expression Explanations When pronounced in Mandarin & Mandarin counterpart(s)
34 go4 lang5 wan6 顧 人 怨 Position or something that easily causes complaints. [gu4 ren2 yuan4] “吃力 不 討好。”
10 go6 bu1 li6jiong1 故 不 離章 Let us get back to our subject (after beating around the bush all this time.) [gu4 bu4 li2zhang1] “言 歸 正傳。”
9 gu1 qio4 bi5 bhe5bhui4 龜 笑 鱉 無尾 Tapestry-shell turtle laughs at the smooth-shell turtle that it has no tail. When A laughs at B for the trait that A himself possesses, C as a witness will laugh at A to mean "half pound of one and eight ounces of the other." Or B can also fire back at A by using this expression. [gui1 xiao4 bie1 wu2wei3] “五十步 笑 百步。”
124 gua86dia85 提訂 Ritual of getting engaged. As part of the ritual, cakes will be put in boxes and distributed to friends and relatives in baskets; therefore the word "gua86 [提] (to carry a basket.)" [ti2ding4] “訂婚 的 禮俗。”
104 guan5gi3 bu2ghi4 zhin5 gun5zu4, ki1qiu4 bhe5hui3 dai6 jiong4hu1 觀棋 不語 真 君子, 起手 無回 大 丈夫 Pair of comments printed between the two halves of the checker board. They are saying, "quiet audience are real gentlemen; not redoing a move indicates a manly player." [guan1qi2 bu4yu3 zhen1 jun1zi0, qi3shou3 wu2hui2 da4 zhang4fu1]
51 gui5 sieng5ku1 tia84 liao1liao4 整 身軀 疼 了了 Ache all over the body. [zheng3 shen1qu1 teng2 liao3liao3] “全身 發痛。”
132 gui5e5 tao5ka5 ghong6ghong6 se4 整個 頭殼 戇戇 旋 So confused as if the whole head is whirling around. [zheng3ge0 tou2ke2 zhuang4zhuang4 xuan2] “迷迷糊糊”,“只 覺得 一只 腦袋瓜 兒 團團 轉。”
60 gun5tao3 shai5hu5 拳頭 師父 Martial art master. [quan2tou2 shi1fu4] “師父”,”武術 老師。”
144 hai6wa1 jin5a1 hua85hi1 ga1 bhe1si4! 害我 真子 歡喜 及 要死! (Literally) it hurts me in such a way that I am so happy that I would die! (Meaning) it really makes me so happy to the point that I would die! (Or) it really makes me extremely happy! (Or) you bet! That sure makes my day! [hai4wo3 zhen1zi0 huan1xi3 ji2 yao4si3!] “叫我 真的 高興 死了!”
63 hai84tao2 a4 甩頭 子 Stuff that makes people swing their head back and forth. Liquor. [shuai3tou2 zi0]

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