台灣 俗語

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次序--- 臺語發音-- 用漢字表達----------------- 英文解釋----------------------------- 國語發音及類似用語
Order Pronunciation Expression Explanations When pronounced in Mandarin & Mandarin counterpart(s)
160 jio1 ha6su1 足 合適 Fit perfectly. Usually referring to the upper and lower parts of clothing that fit perfectly. [zu2 he2shi4] “很 合適”, “非常 合適。”
155 jio1 shu4pue6 足 適配 Match each other perfectly. [zu2 shi4pei4] “門當 戶對”, “天生 的 一對 兒。”
198 jio1 yao1shiu5 足 夭壽 Very cruel, very merciless, very bad. [zu2 yao1shou4] “非常 殘忍”,“非常 沒 人性”, “非常 壞。”
201 kan5 di5ge1 牽 豬哥 Herd a stag pig for business. [qian1 zhu1ge1] “趕 豬哥 四處 給 母豬 懷孕 的 營生。”
153 kan5tua1 牽拖 Blame. [qian1tuo1] “怪罪。”
80 ke4lang2 a4 客人 子 Hakkas. [ke4ren2 zi0] “客家 人。”
118 ki1mo1 bhuai4 起毛 壞 In a bad mood. [qi3mao2 huai4] “情緒 不好”, “心情 不好。” 【“起毛” 原來 是 日文 “氣持” 的發音。 】
150 kiao1ki6 a6 翹去 了 Have died. [kiao1ki6 a6] “翹辮子 了。”
90 kua4cui6 jia6 su4hong1 濶嘴 吃 四方 When you see a male with a big mouth (literally), you will likely say this to him, meaning "a big mouth will be able to eat in the four corners of the earth and will never starve." It can also mean "to prosper in the four corners" and so on. [kuo4zui3 chi1 si4fang1]
180 kun1tao5 kun1tao3 KUN頭 KUN頭 Slightly-round body that looks healthy and also rather powerful. [ken3tou2 ken3tou2] “有點 虎背熊腰 的 那種 體態。”

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