台灣 俗語

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次序--- 臺語發音-- 用漢字表達----------------- 英文解釋----------------------------- 國語發音及類似用語
Order Pronunciation Expression Explanations When pronounced in Mandarin & Mandarin counterpart(s)
58 mu86 zhai5 kin5dang5 不 知 輕重 Not mature, not knowing the differences between what are correct and what are not. Not knowing the significance if a bad move is taken and what differences it will make. [bu4 zhi1 qin1zhong4] “夯不郎當 的。”
70 mui3 Porridge. [zhou1] “粥”, “稀飯。”
45 ni5 xi1 擰 絲 Pick up even a tiny thread. Extremely thrifty; very, very careful before throwing anything away. [nie1 si1] “小氣 嗒嗒 的。”
174 o2a4, han5ji3 芋子,甘薯 Taro, sweet potato. A person who came from other provinces than Taiwan is referred to as a taro; a Taiwanese is referred to as a sweet potato. [yu2zi0, fan1shu3] “芋頭,番薯。” “外省人,本省人。”
8 o5 gan2a4 de1 dao6you3 黑 矸子 置 豆油 Black glass bottle is stored with soy sauce. You will never tell. [hei1 gan1zi0 di3 dou4you2.] “看 不 出來。”
149 o5ce81 黑青 Be bruised so that the skin becomes dark and green. [hei1qing1] “淤血。”
47 pa4 gun5tao3 打 拳頭 Practice martial arts. [da3 quan2tou2] “習 武術”, “練 功夫。”
131 pa4bia86 打拼 Work hard, to strive. [da3pin1] “努力,用功,奮鬥。”
191 pai81 cu4bi81 壊 厝邊 Bad neighbor. [huai4 cuo4bian1] “壊 鄰居。”
14 pang5qieng4qieng6 香沁沁 Fragrant, permeating with or emitting fragrance. [xiang1qin4qin4] “香 噴噴。”

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