台灣 俗語

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次序--- 臺語發音-- 用漢字表達----------------- 英文解釋----------------------------- 國語發音及類似用語
Order Pronunciation Expression Explanations When pronounced in Mandarin & Mandarin counterpart(s)
134 wu6en3 有緣 Have a mysterious tie in between. This concept is used to explain why a couple met -- among all the multitudes of the "rin5sua81 rin5hai4 [人山 人海] (People Mountain People Sea,)" why two particular people met and became a couple? Hmm.... [you3yuan2] “有 緣份”,“月下 老人 牽 紅綫。” 或者 “也 不知道 怎麽 解釋,反正 看到 這個人,就 覺得 很爽利!”
98 wui6sieng5 bo6diu84 衛生 部長 Minister of Public Health literally, used to mock at somebody too picky about cleanness and hygiene. [wei4sheng1 bu4zhang3]
22 xi5gui1 wa1 dua6bieng3 西瓜 偎 大邊 Know how to take advantage of the situations. Literally, "when a watermelon is being cut, to know to stand on the side of the larger half." Used in critical or diminishing senses. [xi1gua1 wei4 da4bian1] “勢利眼。”
105 xin1bhun5 思慕 Miss (a person). Such as a child misses his mother while the child is away from home and the mother is not around. [si1mu4] “想念。”
33 xio1kuao1 dua6 dai6ji6 小些 大 代志 Little big matter. Something to take serious but not too serious. [xiao3xie1 da4 dai4zhi4] “沉著 應付,不用 緊張。”
199 xiong6gai4 he4 上界 好 Best of the best. Good at the top extreme. [shang4jie4 hao3] “最最好。”
203 ya6be3 夜婆 Night old lady, a bat [ye4po2] “蝙蝠。”
168 ya84, wu6ya84, bhe5ya84, zai2ya84, mu86zai2ya84 影,有影,沒影,知影,不知影 Shadow, true (having the shadow), false (not having the shadow), know (to know the shadow), not know (to not know the shadow). [ying3, you3ying3, mei2ying3, zhi1ying3, bu4zhi1ying3] “這麽回事,真,假,知道,不知道。”
66 yao5gui4 ge1 se4ghi5 餓鬼 假 小意 Starving person puts on shyness and refuses the offer. [e4gui3 jia3 xiao3yi4] “忸怩 作態”,“裝模 做樣。”
71 yong1 kia6 kia1 勇 丂一丫 丂一丫 Strong; as strong as a spring bull. [yong3 kia1 kia1] “壯的 像 頭 公牛 一樣。”

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