台灣 俗語

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次序--- 臺語發音-- 用漢字表達----------------- 英文解釋----------------------------- 國語發音及類似用語
Order Pronunciation Expression Explanations When pronounced in Mandarin & Mandarin counterpart(s)
101 jia6 cai4 bhui1a4 吃 菜 尾子 Eat the leftover. You have to see that after a banquet is over, such as one served right after the wedding ceremony, how much is left! Because not to waste is one of the virtues valued in the Taiwanese traditions, the leftover from the banquet will be collected and distributed to relatives. Nowadays, there might be a better system of taking care of this stuff. To me, it is only reasonable that a shelter be easily contacted and the leftover swiftly taken care of so that nothing is wasted. Do not forget that the dishes the leftover stuff came from were delicious and expensive, although the cost was mostly covered by the guests gifting the hosts with "ang5bao1 [紅包] (red envelopes.)" [chi1 cai4 wei3zi0]
102 a4 liao2a4 bhe5 ge4me3 do6gun4 鴨 寮子 無 隔眠 蚯蚓 No earthworm can survive the duck house overnight. [ya1 liao2zi0 wu2 ge2mian2 qiu1yin3]
103 ze4hi4 kong1, kua84hi4 ghong5. 做戲 狂, 看戲 戇。 Crazy people make movies; stupid people watch them. [zuo4xi4 kuang2, kan4xi4 zhuang4]
104 guan5gi3 bu2ghi4 zhin5 gun5zu4, ki1qiu4 bhe5hui3 dai6 jiong4hu1 觀棋 不語 真 君子, 起手 無回 大 丈夫 Pair of comments printed between the two halves of the checker board. They are saying, "quiet audience are real gentlemen; not redoing a move indicates a manly player." [guan1qi2 bu4yu3 zhen1 jun1zi0, qi3shou3 wu2hui2 da4 zhang4fu1]
105 xin1bhun5 思慕 Miss (a person). Such as a child misses his mother while the child is away from home and the mother is not around. [si1mu4] “想念。”
106 wan4do5 怨妒 Be jealous. [yuan4du4] “嫉妒。”
107 bhe5 ten5lion3 無 天良 Have no conscience. [wu2 tian1liang2] “沒 良心。”
108 jia6bhi4 mu6 zai2ya84 bhi1ge6 吃米 不 知影 米價 Not know the price of the rice oneself is eating. [chi1mi3 bu4 zhi1yang4 mi3jia4] “對 實際 情況 懵然 沒有 概念”, “不 切 實際,不懂 人情 世故。”
109 jio1 gam1xim1 e1 足 感心 的 Be sincerely touching. [zu2 gan3xin1 de0] “非常 誠摯 的,非常 令人感動 的”, “
110 chao4 hui1da1 臭 火乾 Overcooked, burnt. [chou4 huo3gan1] “燒焦 的。”

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