台灣 俗語

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次序--- 臺語發音-- 用漢字表達----------------- 英文解釋----------------------------- 國語發音及類似用語
Order Pronunciation Expression Explanations When pronounced in Mandarin & Mandarin counterpart(s)
61 chu1 shai1 出 師 Graduate from an apprenticeship. [chu1 shi1]
62 shai2a4 師子 Apprentice. Student. [shi1zi0] “學徒。”
63 hai84tao2 a4 甩頭 子 Stuff that makes people swing their head back and forth. Liquor. [shuai3tou2 zi0]
64 he1 ga5 zai6 好 佳 在 With a stroke of good luck. When something was going wrong and then "with a stroke of good luck", and so on, and so forth. [hao3 jia1 zai4] “好在”, “幸好。”
65 gia85 ga1 bhe1 si4 驚 及 要 死 ! Scared to death! [jing1 ji2 yao4 si3] “嚇 死 了 !” “ 嚇 死 人 了 !”
66 yao5gui4 ge1 se4ghi5 餓鬼 假 小意 Starving person puts on shyness and refuses the offer. [e4gui3 jia3 xiao3yi4] “忸怩 作態”,“裝模 做樣。”
67 bhu6 sa4ha6 霧 颯颯 Messy in appearance or condition so that there is no way to see what's going on. [wu4 sa4sa4] “亂七八糟”, “毫無 條理 可循。”
68 hao6diu84 giam5 gong4jieng1 校長 兼 摜鐘 Wear multiple hats, in the sense of taking care of everything. Literally, the principal of the school also tolls the bell. [xiao4zhang3 jian1 guan4zhong1] “大事 小事 都 包辦。”
69 bhe6 jieng6bhe5 de6 未 曾未 就 Act rather too quickly. For example, A applies for a job, and instead of waiting for the result to come, he already celebrates by throwing a party. To describe a situation such as this, we will use the expression "bhe6 jieng6bhe5 de6 and so on..." [wei4 qian2hua4] “還 看不到 那麽 半點 影子,就 已經。。。”
70 mui3 Porridge. [zhou1] “粥”, “稀飯。”

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