台灣 俗語

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次序--- 臺語發音-- 用漢字表達----------------- 英文解釋----------------------------- 國語發音及類似用語
Order Pronunciation Expression Explanations When pronounced in Mandarin & Mandarin counterpart(s)
21 bhe5 zai3 hi84hi86 無 才 兮兮, 無 才 耳耳 Plain, talent-less, with an emphasis on appearance. Usually in reference to someone who appears mediocre or even stupid. [wu2 cai2 xi1xi1]
22 xi5gui1 wa1 dua6bieng3 西瓜 偎 大邊 Know how to take advantage of the situations. Literally, "when a watermelon is being cut, to know to stand on the side of the larger half." Used in critical or diminishing senses. [xi1gua1 wei4 da4bian1] “勢利眼。”
23 dua6ko5 dai1 大圈 呆 Plump or roundly-shaped person. However, used in a jeering sense. [da4quan1 dai1] “大 胖子。”
24 rin5zai3 liao1liao4 人才 了了 Full of talents. For example, if an office is staffed with many talents, you can say that the office is "rin5zai3 liao1liao4." [ren2cai2 liao3liao3] “人才 濟濟。”
25 jia6 ce85cao1 kua84 teng5tao3 吃 星餚 看 湯頭 Judge if a banquet is delicious all you need to do is to taste the first course which is a soup. [chi1 xing1yao2 kan4 tang1tou2]
26 cao1me1a4 lang3 ge5gang1 草螞子 逗 鷄公 Grasshopper rouses a cock. [cao3ma3zi0 dou4 ji1gong1]
27 jia6gin4 gong4pua4 wa84 吃緊 摜破 碗 Eating too fast, one will dash his rice bowl. Haste makes waste. [chi1jin3 guan4po4 wan3] “欲速 則 不達。”
28 gao6 cao5huan3 厚 操煩 Worry a lot. [hou4 cao1fan1]
29 he1se4 dang5dang1 好勢 噹噹 Fit snugly. To fit in a situation or position perfectly. [hao3shi4 dang1dang1]
30 hen6jia4 de5 ya1bhe5gao6 na4wu6tang5 pa6gua81 現吃 就 還不夠 哪有通 曝乾 Not have enough to eat for now, let alone to have any remaining for making sun-dried preserve. [xian4chi1 jiu4 hai2bu2gou4 na3you3tong1 sai4gan1]

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