台灣 俗語

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次序--- 臺語發音-- 用漢字表達----------------- 英文解釋----------------------------- 國語發音及類似用語
Order Pronunciation Expression Explanations When pronounced in Mandarin & Mandarin counterpart(s)
31 jia6ba4 xiu85 yieng3 吃飽 太 閒 Have nothing to do after eating too much. [chi1bao3 tai4 xian2] “無聊。”
32 gan5a1 e6 bang4 ge5shai4 bhe6e6 se85 ge5neng5 僅子 會 放 鷄屎 不會 生 雞卵 Only be able to extrude crap and not able to lay eggs. To only make trouble and no production. [jin3zi6 hui4 fang4 ji1shi3 bu2hui4 sheng1 ji1luan3] “專 會 搗蛋,不 事 生產。”
33 xio1kuao1 dua6 dai6ji6 小些 大 代志 Little big matter. Something to take serious but not too serious. [xiao3xie1 da4 dai4zhi4] “沉著 應付,不用 緊張。”
34 go4 lang5 wan6 顧 人 怨 Position or something that easily causes complaints. [gu4 ren2 yuan4] “吃力 不 討好。”
35 He5 Le1 lang3 河 洛 人 People that came from the areas He5 and Le4. These areas are in today's Northern China where the provinces of Shandong, Hebei, and Henan are. The so-called Taiwanese originally came from that general area. [He2 Luo4 ren2] “台灣 人。”
36 dan5 zhui1le3 響 水螺 Sound the siren. Zhui1le3 was a large water-snail; its shell was used to sound the siren before the modern version of the public alarm system was put in place. [xiang3 shui3luo2] “拉 警報。”
37 he1 ka5qiu4 好 腳手 Swift in action. Good feet and hands. [hao3 jiao3shou3] “敏捷”, “動作 快。”
38 san5ba5 三八 Shrewish. [san1ba1] “撒潑”, 或者 “好 撒潑。”
39 qia4 be5be3 赤 爸爸 Shrewish. Same as san5ba5. [chi4 ba4ba0] “與 ‘三八’ 同意。”
40 bang4hui4 e6 ge1de1 gio4 giu4hui4 放火 的 更在 叫 救火 One who set the fire calls people to put out the fire. Crying wolf. [fang4huo3 de0 geng4zai4 jiao4 jiu4huo3]

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