台灣 俗語

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次序--- 臺語發音-- 用漢字表達----------------- 英文解釋----------------------------- 國語發音及類似用語
Order Pronunciation Expression Explanations When pronounced in Mandarin & Mandarin counterpart(s)
171 bian1sen2a4 騙仙子 Swindler. [pian4xian1zi0] “騙子。”
172 e6ka1 下脚 At bottom. Under. [di1jiao3] “下面。”
173 lao5dieng4, lao5ka1 樓頂,樓脚 Upstairs, downstairs. [lou1ding3, lou2jiao3] “樓上,樓下。”
174 o2a4, han5ji3 芋子,甘薯 Taro, sweet potato. A person who came from other provinces than Taiwan is referred to as a taro; a Taiwanese is referred to as a sweet potato. [yu2zi0, fan1shu3] “芋頭,番薯。” “外省人,本省人。”
175 lao6 Jiu84 e6 老 蔣 的 Intimate title given to Jiu81 Diong5jieng6 Zong1tong4 [蔣 中正 總統] (President Jiang3 the Square and Upright), known in other countries as Jiu81 Gai4shi1 Zong1tong4 [蔣 介石 總統] (President Jiang3 the Upright Stone)or Jiu81 Gai4shi1 Wei1wan5diu84 [蔣 介石 委員 長] (Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek.) [lao3jiang3de0] “蔣 總統。”
176 chu4bha1 鼠目 Mouse eyed. With very limited eyesight. [shu3mu4] “一千五百度。”
177 rin3 hui1 shieng4hen3, sio1 nieng3 bhe5ce6 人 非 聖賢,孰 能 無錯 A person is not a saint; who can be faultless? [ren2 fei1 sheng4xian2, shu2 neng2 wu2cuo4]
178 she5 yi82a4 搓 圓仔 Kneed the sweet-rice balls with two palms. When people in Taiwan observe the Festival of dang5zhe5 [冬至] (the Arrival of Winter,) December the 22nd, they will do this. The parents will also tell their kids that from this day on, they are one year older. They will also say: "yi85yi83 dua6 tan4ji83 [圓圓 大 賺錢] (round and round and bring in big big bucks.)" [cuo1 yuan2zi0]
179 do6zai3 to1to4 bhe1 chua6bho4, do6zai3 qim5qim1 bhe1 de1 gim1 肚臍 凸凸 要 娶婦,肚臍 深深 要 置 金 Protruding navel wants to marry a wife; deep navel wants to stash gold. Another poem-like rhyming stuff invented for kids. [du4qi2 tu1tu1 yao4 qu3fu4, du4qi2 shen1shen1 yao4 zhi4 jin1]
180 kun1tao5 kun1tao3 KUN頭 KUN頭 Slightly-round body that looks healthy and also rather powerful. [ken3tou2 ken3tou2] “有點 虎背熊腰 的 那種 體態。”

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