台灣 俗語

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次序--- 臺語發音-- 用漢字表達----------------- 英文解釋----------------------------- 國語發音及類似用語
Order Pronunciation Expression Explanations When pronounced in Mandarin & Mandarin counterpart(s)
51 gui5 sieng5ku1 tia84 liao1liao4 整 身軀 疼 了了 Ache all over the body. [zheng3 shen1qu1 teng2 liao3liao3] “全身 發痛。”
52 ang5 Guai5gong1 be6 Lao5bi5 o5 Di5hui1 zao1 ki4 bhi5 紅 關公 白 劉備 黑 張飛 走 去 避 Red Guang5gong1, white Lao5bi5, and black Di5hui1 have all gone and hid themselves. Actually a riddle to name a bun. When there is a festival in Taiwan, you will see this kind of buns. The skin is red, and under the skin is white bread, with bean stuffing that has been cooked and made into a black paste. And again, there are two styles: the leavened-bread style and the unleavened-bread style. The leavened-bread style resembles the western style bread and comes in only one flavor; the unleavened-bread style is more traditional and the buns are often stamped to resemble a turtle and often come in different flavors. By the way, the traditional way of making bread is to steam, not to bake. [hong2 Guang1gong1 bai2 Liu2bei4 hei1 Zhang1fei1 zou3 qu4 bi4] “紅龜”, “紅龜糕。”
53 sio6mi4 bhe5 he1hui6 俗物 無 好貨 Cheap stuff never proves to be good merchandise. [su2wu4 wu2 hao3huo4] “一分錢,一分貨。”
54 qieng5ge1 liu5liu1 清潔 溜溜 Clean and sleek. [qing1jie2 liu1liu1]
55 bhe5 zu5yong4 無 滋養 Ill nourishing. Being not good nutrition. Often used in other senses than physical, such as having bad influences on people's ways of thinking, etc. [wu2 zi1yang3] “沒 營養。”
56 wan5ge1 冤家 Quarrel. [yuan1jia1] “吵架。”
57 hu4 si4 lao5 pue3 lang3 lao3 mia3 虎 死 留 皮 人 留 名 Quotation from the long poem "Kuan4 She4 Bhun3 [勸世文] (Advice to the World)" by Lu4 Liu1xian1 [呂 柳仙] (Lv3 the Willow Fairy.) When a tiger dies, its pelt remains; when a person dies, his fame remains. [hu3 si3 liu2 pi2 ren2 liu2 ming2]
58 mu86 zhai5 kin5dang5 不 知 輕重 Not mature, not knowing the differences between what are correct and what are not. Not knowing the significance if a bad move is taken and what differences it will make. [bu4 zhi1 qin1zhong4] “夯不郎當 的。”
59 dua6 bha1do4 大 腹肚 Pregnant. [da4 fu4du4] “大腹 便便”, “大 肚子。”
60 gun5tao3 shai5hu5 拳頭 師父 Martial art master. [quan2tou2 shi1fu4] “師父”,”武術 老師。”

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