台灣 俗語

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次序--- 臺語發音-- 用漢字表達----------------- 英文解釋----------------------------- 國語發音及類似用語
Order Pronunciation Expression Explanations When pronounced in Mandarin & Mandarin counterpart(s)
121 qia81 lang5ke5 請 人客 Have a banquet prepared to entertain the guests. [qing3 ren2ke4] “請客。”
122 ang5bao1 紅包 Red envelope. People put their gift money in a red envelope to give to the host when there is a celebration, such as a birthday party, New Year's Eve party, and other similar occasions. It can also be given to members of the immediate family. [hong2bao1]
123 an4nai5 按内 Entertain a guest. [an4nei4] “招待。”
124 gua86dia85 提訂 Ritual of getting engaged. As part of the ritual, cakes will be put in boxes and distributed to friends and relatives in baskets; therefore the word "gua86 [提] (to carry a basket.)" [ti2ding4] “訂婚 的 禮俗。”
125 jio1 gao6gang1 e1 足 厚工 的 Taking a lot of work to make. For example, to produce a mold for casting plaster statues with seemingly-endless details will take a lot of work to make. In this case, we will say "jio1 gao6gang1 e1." [zu2 hou4gong1 de0] “很 費 工夫 的。”
126 jia6 mu86dio6 yio2a4 吃 不對 藥子 Have taken the wrong medicine. He is not himself; there must be something wrong with him. [chi1 bu2dui4 yao4zi0] “吃錯 藥。”
127 qieng5ki4 siu86 清氣 相 Immaculate. [qing1qi4 xiang4] “潔癖。”
128 bha1do4 yao1 腹肚 餓 Hungry. [fu4du4 e4] “肚子 餓。”
129 jio1 ga5ya1 足 加業 Business is much busier. [zu2 jia1ye4] “生意 更加 興隆。”
130 qio4kui5 qio4kui1 笑詼 笑詼 Funny. Having a ready sense of humor. [xiao4hui1 xiao4hui1] “滑稽”, “幽默感 很 敏溜。”

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