台灣 俗語

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次序--- 臺語發音-- 用漢字表達----------------- 英文解釋----------------------------- 國語發音及類似用語
Order Pronunciation Expression Explanations When pronounced in Mandarin & Mandarin counterpart(s)
81 lang5ke5 人客 Guest, guests. [ren2ke4] “客人。”
82 dua6bho4 se4yi3 大婦 小姨 Main wife and the lesser wives. In the old times, a man was allowed to marry several wives, and that was the composition of the marriages. [da4fu4 xiao3yi2] “三妻 四妾。”
83 song1 wai85wai81 爽 歪歪! How cozy! Usually referring to the inside of a car, a room, or a house. [shuang3 wai1wai1] “真的 舒服 死人 了!”
84 ghen4tao3 冤頭 Person to be dumped faults upon. A stupid person. [yuan1tou2] “冤 大頭。”
85 qio4si1 lang3 笑死 人! So ridiculous! How ridiculous! [xiao4 si3ren2] “笑死 人 了!” 或者 “荒唐死 人 了!”
86 qio4de1 lang3 笑倒 人! Same as "qiao4 si1 lang3!" [xiao4 dao3 ren2]
87 tao3 ka1 dua6 sin1 頭 較 大 身 Head becomes larger than the body. When one has too much to worry about, his head becomes larger than his body. Also see "ji6lia6 tao3 neng6lia6 dua5." [tou2 jiao4 da4 shen1]
88 ji6lia6 tao3 neng6lia6 dua5 一粒 頭 兩粒 大 One head becomes the size of two heads. When one has too much to worry, the size of his head doubles. Also see "tao3 ka1 dua6 sin1." [yi1li4 tou2 liang6li4 da4] “一個 頭, 兩個 大。”
89 ai4sui4 mu6gia85 lao5 pi86zui4 愛水 不驚 流 鼻水 When a girl or a woman wants to look pretty, she will risk catching cold by not putting on enough clothes. [ai4shui3 bu4jing1 liu2 bi2shui3]
90 kua4cui6 jia6 su4hong1 濶嘴 吃 四方 When you see a male with a big mouth (literally), you will likely say this to him, meaning "a big mouth will be able to eat in the four corners of the earth and will never starve." It can also mean "to prosper in the four corners" and so on. [kuo4zui3 chi1 si4fang1]

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