台灣 俗語

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次序--- 臺語發音-- 用漢字表達----------------- 英文解釋----------------------------- 國語發音及類似用語
Order Pronunciation Expression Explanations When pronounced in Mandarin & Mandarin counterpart(s)
41 ze4ca1 e6 de1gio4 lia6ca1 做竊 的 在叫 捉竊 One who stole calls people to catch the thief. [zuo4qie4 de1 zai4jiao4 zhuo1qie4]
42 ma1ma1 hu5hu1 la4 馬馬 虎虎 啦 ! Horse-horse-tiger-tiger it. Let us let it pass without any more fussing. Referring to a job that is poorly done. [ma3ma3 hu3hu3] “隨便 啦 !” 或者 “管 他的 !”
43 sa1mi1 liao1bu1ki4 什麽 了不起 ! What is the big deal! [shen2me0 liao3bu4qi3] “有 什麽 大不了 的 !”
44 jia6 kun4 tao5ge1 吃 睏 頭家 Lodge and board supplied by the boss. According to the Taiwanese traditions of apprenticeship, it is made clear from the beginning how the apprentice's lodge and board will be supplied. When the boss is to supply both lodge and board, they will say "jia6 kun4 tao5ge1 [吃 睏 頭家] (eat and sleep on the boss.)" However, nowadays nobody will resist the temptation to twist the expression and say to his friends that his conditions are to "jia6 tao5ge1, kun4 tao5ge5niu3, [吃 頭家, 睏 頭家 娘] (board with the boss and lodge with the boss's wife,)" which is extremely rude. Therefore, I will recommend that the apprentice show respect to both the boss and the boss's wife by using the proper usage, which is also one of the reasons why I compile this collection of Taiwanese Common Expressions. Without a language tool like mine, there is no telling how the language will be distorted to the point where there is no return but complete loss and ignorance. [chi1 kun4 tou2jia1]
45 ni5 xi1 擰 絲 Pick up even a tiny thread. Extremely thrifty; very, very careful before throwing anything away. [nie1 si1] “小氣 嗒嗒 的。”
46 sa85 bu1go6 si2 a4 三 不過 四 子 Chance is thirty something percent. It happens from time to time, but not too often either. [san1 bu2guo4 si4 zi0] “偶爾。”
47 pa4 gun5tao3 打 拳頭 Practice martial arts. [da3 quan2tou2] “習 武術”, “練 功夫。”
48 li4 ma6 hao3 a5 你 馬 好 了 ! Here you go again! Talking about you again! Well?! [ni3 ma3 hao3 le0] “可 又 來!”
49 qio5ge1 秋雞 Cock, a cock in heat. [qiu1ji1] “公鷄。”
50 die1 ge2a4 竹 鷄子 Member of a street gang. "A bamboo cock." [zhu2 ji1zi0] “混混”,“小流氓。”

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