台灣 俗語

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次序--- 臺語發音-- 用漢字表達----------------- 英文解釋----------------------------- 國語發音及類似用語
Order Pronunciation Expression Explanations When pronounced in Mandarin & Mandarin counterpart(s)
71 yong1 kia6 kia1 勇 丂一丫 丂一丫 Strong; as strong as a spring bull. [yong3 kia1 kia1] “壯的 像 頭 公牛 一樣。”
72 hiong5hiong3 bhe6 gi6 (ji6) li6 匆匆 未 記 (誌) 裏 Forget in a hurry. [cong1cong1 wei4 ji4 (zhi4) li3] “匆匆忙忙 都 忘記 了。”
73 sa85gang5 gho6gang1 三工 五工 Three days or five days. Always used to refer to skill or a situation that has to be developed over a long period of time, such as several years -- instead of "three days or five days." [san1gong1 wu3gong1] “那裏 是 三五天 就 成 得了 的!”
74 ghue6niu3 月娘 The Moon Lady. The moon. [yue4niang1] “月亮。”
75 gan5ko4 bhe5 lang5 zai1 艱苦 無 人 知 Nobody knows my hardship. [jian1ku3 wu2 ren2 zhi1] “有苦 説 不出。”
76 qin4cai4 剩菜 Treat as leftover stuff. To not be picky. To let it be as much as possible. To finish up with as little effort as possible. To horse-horse-tiger-tiger it. [sheng4cai4] “隨便”,“馬馬虎虎。”
77 zui1lao5 si1 水流 屍 Body thrown into the river to let it flow with the current -- instead of buried in the ground. In ancient times, when the family could not afford a proper burial, this thing did happen. [shui3liu2 shi1]
78 ghuan5 zhu4bhieng3 原 住民 People originally having been living in Taiwan when the immigrants led by De86 Sieng5gong1 [鄭 成功] (Zheng4 the Successful) came at the end of the Mieng5diao3 [明朝] (the Bright Dynasty or the Ming Dynasty) 1386 - 1644 A.D. [yuan2 zhu4min2] “原 住民”,“山地 同胞。”
79 ghua6sieng1 a4 外省 子 Immigrants that came with Jiu81 Diong5jieng6 [蔣 中正] (Jiang3 the Square and Upright) to Taiwan from other provinces when the Mainland China fell into the hands of the Communists in 1949. [wai4sheng3 zi0] “外省 人。”
80 ke4lang2 a4 客人 子 Hakkas. [ke4ren2 zi0] “客家 人。”

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