台灣 俗語

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次序--- 臺語發音-- 用漢字表達----------------- 英文解釋----------------------------- 國語發音及類似用語
Order Pronunciation Expression Explanations When pronounced in Mandarin & Mandarin counterpart(s)
127 qieng5ki4 siu86 清氣 相 Immaculate. [qing1qi4 xiang4] “潔癖。”
121 qia81 lang5ke5 請 人客 Have a banquet prepared to entertain the guests. [qing3 ren2ke4] “請客。”
192 qio5ge1 秋哥 Overly obsessed with sex. [qiu1ge1] “有點兒 性狂。”
49 qio5ge1 秋雞 Cock, a cock in heat. [qiu1ji1] “公鷄。”
60 gun5tao3 shai5hu5 拳頭 師父 Martial art master. [quan2tou2 shi1fu4] “師父”,”武術 老師。”
177 rin3 hui1 shieng4hen3, sio1 nieng3 bhe5ce6 人 非 聖賢,孰 能 無錯 A person is not a saint; who can be faultless? [ren2 fei1 sheng4xian2, shu2 neng2 wu2cuo4]
100 rin5 zhi5 cho1, sieng6 bun1 shen5 人 之 初, 性 本 善 Six characters that begin the Sa85 Ri6 Gieng1 [三字經] (Three-Character Classic.) They are saying, "In the beginning of a person's life, his nature is good and kind." [ren2 zhi1 chu1, xing4 ben3 shan4]
24 rin5zai3 liao1liao4 人才 了了 Full of talents. For example, if an office is staffed with many talents, you can say that the office is "rin5zai3 liao1liao4." [ren2cai2 liao3liao3] “人才 濟濟。”
81 lang5ke5 人客 Guest, guests. [ren2ke4] “客人。”
136 ri6tao3 日頭 The sun. [ri4tou2] “太陽。”

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