台灣 俗語

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次序--- 臺語發音-- 用漢字表達----------------- 英文解釋----------------------------- 國語發音及類似用語
Order Pronunciation Expression Explanations When pronounced in Mandarin & Mandarin counterpart(s)
135 bhe5en3 無緣 Have no mysterious tie in between. To have an inexplicable animosity toward somebody. [wu2yuan2] “無緣”,“也 不 知道 怎麽 解釋,反正 看到 這個 人 就 覺得 討厭討厭 怪怪 的!”
67 bhu6 sa4ha6 霧 颯颯 Messy in appearance or condition so that there is no way to see what's going on. [wu4 sa4sa4] “亂七八糟”, “毫無 條理 可循。”
22 xi5gui1 wa1 dua6bieng3 西瓜 偎 大邊 Know how to take advantage of the situations. Literally, "when a watermelon is being cut, to know to stand on the side of the larger half." Used in critical or diminishing senses. [xi1gua1 wei4 da4bian1] “勢利眼。”
1 ce85me3 ge2a4 do1dio6 tang3 瞎明 鷄子 啄到 蟲 Lucky. A blind chicken pecks upon a worm. Saying that someone is really lucky. [xia1ming2 ji1zi0 zhuo2dao4 chong2] “瞎貓 捉到 死 老鼠。”
30 hen6jia4 de5 ya1bhe5gao6 na4wu6tang5 pa6gua81 現吃 就 還不夠 哪有通 曝乾 Not have enough to eat for now, let alone to have any remaining for making sun-dried preserve. [xian4chi1 jiu4 hai2bu2gou4 na3you3tong1 sai4gan1]
159 sio5pa4 ge2a4 相打 鷄子 Street gang members. Also a nickname for the small gunboats of the Republic of China's Navy. Those small gunboats won this special nickname because of their frequent encounters in battle with the Mainland China Navy and won certain outstanding distinctions. [xiang1da3 ji1zi0] “小混混”, “小流氓。” 也是 中華民國 海軍 小 礟艦 的 別號。這種 小 礟艦 因爲 經常 與 中共 海軍 接觸 而 頗有 盛名。
14 pang5qieng4qieng6 香沁沁 Fragrant, permeating with or emitting fragrance. [xiang1qin4qin4] “香 噴噴。”
36 dan5 zhui1le3 響 水螺 Sound the siren. Zhui1le3 was a large water-snail; its shell was used to sound the siren before the modern version of the public alarm system was put in place. [xiang3 shui3luo2] “拉 警報。”
145 ang6gun1 gin2a4 項頸 筋子 Neck. [xiang4jing3 jin1zi0] “脖子。”
33 xio1kuao1 dua6 dai6ji6 小些 大 代志 Little big matter. Something to take serious but not too serious. [xiao3xie1 da4 dai4zhi4] “沉著 應付,不用 緊張。”

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