台灣 俗語

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次序--- 臺語發音-- 用漢字表達----------------- 英文解釋----------------------------- 國語發音及類似用語
Order Pronunciation Expression Explanations When pronounced in Mandarin & Mandarin counterpart(s)
39 qia4 be5be3 赤 爸爸 Shrewish. Same as san5ba5. [chi4 ba4ba0] “與 ‘三八’ 同意。”
158 qiong5wan2 a4 充員 子 Conscripted soldier or soldiers. [chong1yuan2 zi0] “充員兵。”
110 chao4 hui1da1 臭 火乾 Overcooked, burnt. [chou4 huo3gan1] “燒焦 的。”
15 chao4go86g85 臭鼾鼾 Smelly, stinking. [chou4han1han1] “臭 烘烘。”
61 chu1 shai1 出 師 Graduate from an apprenticeship. [chu1 shi1]
194 chuan1 gua6gui6 喘 大氣 Paint with long and deep breaths. Such as one does after serious physical exertions or astonishment. [chuan3 da4qi4] “氣喘 如牛。”
72 hiong5hiong3 bhe6 gi6 (ji6) li6 匆匆 未 記 (誌) 裏 Forget in a hurry. [cong1cong1 wei4 ji4 (zhi4) li3] “匆匆忙忙 都 忘記 了。”
178 she5 yi82a4 搓 圓仔 Kneed the sweet-rice balls with two palms. When people in Taiwan observe the Festival of dang5zhe5 [冬至] (the Arrival of Winter,) December the 22nd, they will do this. The parents will also tell their kids that from this day on, they are one year older. They will also say: "yi85yi83 dua6 tan4ji83 [圓圓 大 賺錢] (round and round and bring in big big bucks.)" [cuo1 yuan2zi0]
47 pa4 gun5tao3 打 拳頭 Practice martial arts. [da3 quan2tou2] “習 武術”, “練 功夫。”
131 pa4bia86 打拼 Work hard, to strive. [da3pin1] “努力,用功,奮鬥。”

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