台灣 俗語

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次序--- 臺語發音-- 用漢字表達----------------- 英文解釋----------------------------- 國語發音及類似用語
Order Pronunciation Expression Explanations When pronounced in Mandarin & Mandarin counterpart(s)
161 ji6su5 sa82ko6 一適 衫褲 Set of upper and lower clothing. [yi1shi4 shan1ku4] “上下 一套 衣服。”
168 ya84, wu6ya84, bhe5ya84, zai2ya84, mu86zai2ya84 影,有影,沒影,知影,不知影 Shadow, true (having the shadow), false (not having the shadow), know (to know the shadow), not know (to not know the shadow). [ying3, you3ying3, mei2ying3, zhi1ying3, bu4zhi1ying3] “這麽回事,真,假,知道,不知道。”
71 yong1 kia6 kia1 勇 丂一丫 丂一丫 Strong; as strong as a spring bull. [yong3 kia1 kia1] “壯的 像 頭 公牛 一樣。”
163 wu6 hua1do5 有 法度 There is a way. [you3 fa3du4] “有 辦法。”
152 wu6 ji6le5 pia5 有 一個 癖 Have a propensity for something bad. [you3 yi2ge4 pi4] “有個 癖好”, “有個 壞 習慣。”
200 you1hao6 友孝 Filial piety. To practice filial piety. To Love one's parents. [you3xiao4] “孝順。”
134 wu6en3 有緣 Have a mysterious tie in between. This concept is used to explain why a couple met -- among all the multitudes of the "rin5sua81 rin5hai4 [人山 人海] (People Mountain People Sea,)" why two particular people met and became a couple? Hmm.... [you3yuan2] “有 緣份”,“月下 老人 牽 紅綫。” 或者 “也 不知道 怎麽 解釋,反正 看到 這個人,就 覺得 很爽利!”
174 o2a4, han5ji3 芋子,甘薯 Taro, sweet potato. A person who came from other provinces than Taiwan is referred to as a taro; a Taiwanese is referred to as a sweet potato. [yu2zi0, fan1shu3] “芋頭,番薯。” “外省人,本省人。”
92 ho5sin3 雨神 Fly, flies. [yu3shen1] “蒼蠅。”
156 du1a4 遇子 Just now. Just a moment ago. [yu4zi0] “剛剛”, “就是 剛剛。”

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