台灣 俗語

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次序--- 臺語發音-- 用漢字表達----------------- 英文解釋----------------------------- 國語發音及類似用語
Order Pronunciation Expression Explanations When pronounced in Mandarin & Mandarin counterpart(s)
51 gui5 sieng5ku1 tia84 liao1liao4 整 身軀 疼 了了 Ache all over the body. [zheng3 shen1qu1 teng2 liao3liao3] “全身 發痛。”
132 gui5e5 tao5ka5 ghong6ghong6 se4 整個 頭殼 戇戇 旋 So confused as if the whole head is whirling around. [zheng3ge0 tou2ke2 zhuang4zhuang4 xuan2] “迷迷糊糊”,“只 覺得 一只 腦袋瓜 兒 團團 轉。”
70 mui3 Porridge. [zhou1] “粥”, “稀飯。”
120 Di5 Ba1gai6 豬 八戒 Pig the Eight Abstentions. One of the disciples who accompanied their master, Dong5 Shan5jiong6 [唐 山藏] (Tang2 the Treasure Hid in the Mountain), on their Journey to the West to fetch the Buddhist Bible from India. A fat and roundly-shaped person. [zhu1 ba1jie4] “大 胖子。”
50 die1 ge2a4 竹 鷄子 Member of a street gang. "A bamboo cock." [zhu2 ji1zi0] “混混”,“小流氓。”
109 jio1 gam1xim1 e1 足 感心 的 Be sincerely touching. [zu2 gan3xin1 de0] “非常 誠摯 的,非常 令人感動 的”, “
160 jio1 ha6su1 足 合適 Fit perfectly. Usually referring to the upper and lower parts of clothing that fit perfectly. [zu2 he2shi4] “很 合適”, “非常 合適。”
125 jio1 gao6gang1 e1 足 厚工 的 Taking a lot of work to make. For example, to produce a mold for casting plaster statues with seemingly-endless details will take a lot of work to make. In this case, we will say "jio1 gao6gang1 e1." [zu2 hou4gong1 de0] “很 費 工夫 的。”
129 jio1 ga5ya1 足 加業 Business is much busier. [zu2 jia1ye4] “生意 更加 興隆。”
117 jio1 ga4yi6 足 愜意 Feel really satisfied. [zu2 qie4yi4] “真 滿意”, “真是 再 好不過 了。”

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