台灣 俗語

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次序--- 臺語發音-- 用漢字表達----------------- 英文解釋----------------------------- 國語發音及類似用語
Order Pronunciation Expression Explanations When pronounced in Mandarin & Mandarin counterpart(s)
150 kiao1ki6 a6 翹去 了 Have died. [kiao1ki6 a6] “翹辮子 了。”
90 kua4cui6 jia6 su4hong1 濶嘴 吃 四方 When you see a male with a big mouth (literally), you will likely say this to him, meaning "a big mouth will be able to eat in the four corners of the earth and will never starve." It can also mean "to prosper in the four corners" and so on. [kuo4zui3 chi1 si4fang1]
157 lao6 o2a4 老 芋子 Old veteran soldier or soldiers. Usually referring to the veterans who came to Taiwan with Jiu81 Diong5jieng6 Zong1tong4[蔣 中正 總統] (President Jiang3 the Square and Upright) also known as Jiu81 Gai4shi1 Wui1wan5diu84 [蔣 介石 委員長] (Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek.) [lao3 yu2zi0] “老兵。”
175 lao6 Jiu84 e6 老 蔣 的 Intimate title given to Jiu81 Diong5jieng6 Zong1tong4 [蔣 中正 總統] (President Jiang3 the Square and Upright), known in other countries as Jiu81 Gai4shi1 Zong1tong4 [蔣 介石 總統] (President Jiang3 the Upright Stone)or Jiu81 Gai4shi1 Wei1wan5diu84 [蔣 介石 委員 長] (Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek.) [lao3jiang3de0] “蔣 總統。”
189 li5li1 ko1ko5 理理 可可, 離離 扣扣 Messy, order-less. [li3li3 ke3ke3, li2li2 kou4kou4] “亂糟糟 的”,“散散亂亂 的。”
173 lao5dieng4, lao5ka1 樓頂,樓脚 Upstairs, downstairs. [lou1ding3, lou2jiao3] “樓上,樓下。”
112 lao4shi2 a4 漏翅 子 Girl left alone from a group and easily become a prey for predators. [lou4chi4 zi0] “流鶯。”
142 len4deng4 輪轉 Be fluent in a language. [lun2zhuan3] “流利。”
42 ma1ma1 hu5hu1 la4 馬馬 虎虎 啦 ! Horse-horse-tiger-tiger it. Let us let it pass without any more fussing. Referring to a job that is poorly done. [ma3ma3 hu3hu3] “隨便 啦 !” 或者 “管 他的 !”
96 bhi1jiu1 tao2 a4 米酒 頭子 Rice whisky. [mi3jiu3 tou2zi0] “米酒。”

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