台灣 俗語

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次序--- 臺語發音-- 用漢字表達----------------- 英文解釋----------------------------- 國語發音及類似用語
Order Pronunciation Expression Explanations When pronounced in Mandarin & Mandarin counterpart(s)
56 wan5ge1 冤家 Quarrel. [yuan1jia1] “吵架。”
84 ghen4tao3 冤頭 Person to be dumped faults upon. A stupid person. [yuan1tou2] “冤 大頭。”
78 ghuan5 zhu4bhieng3 原 住民 People originally having been living in Taiwan when the immigrants led by De86 Sieng5gong1 [鄭 成功] (Zheng4 the Successful) came at the end of the Mieng5diao3 [明朝] (the Bright Dynasty or the Ming Dynasty) 1386 - 1644 A.D. [yuan2 zhu4min2] “原 住民”,“山地 同胞。”
106 wan4do5 怨妒 Be jealous. [yuan4du4] “嫉妒。”
97 ghui6lai5 月内 Within one month after having given birth to a baby. [yue4nei4]
74 ghue6niu3 月娘 The Moon Lady. The moon. [yue4niang1] “月亮。”
11 Hun5Diong3 min6jieng3 bhu1 Guan5de1 雲長 面前 舞 關刀 Show off a skill in the face of The Master. Guan5de1 is a special long-handled knife invented by Guan5 Hun5Diong3, and therefore, bears The Master's name. [Yun2Chang2 mian4qian2 wu3 Guan1dao1] “班門弄斧。”
91 den1 hong5sin3 展 瘋神 Show off. [zhan3 fong1shen2] “出 風頭”,“炫耀。”
181 dio6dio6 bhai1jieng6 e6 着到 壊症 的 Have incurred bad illness. Such as cancer, etc. [zhao2dao4 huai4zheng4 de0 ] “得了 不好 的 症頭。”
182 jin5a1 bhe6e6 kua86 ji6! 真子 不會 看 之! Too ridiculous to watch! [zhen1zi0 bu2hui4 kan4 zhi1] “真的 不 像樣!” “真的 不能 看!” “真的 糟糕!”

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