台灣 俗語

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次序--- 臺語發音-- 用漢字表達----------------- 英文解釋----------------------------- 國語發音及類似用語
Order Pronunciation Expression Explanations When pronounced in Mandarin & Mandarin counterpart(s)
28 gao6 cao5huan3 厚 操煩 Worry a lot. [hou4 cao1fan1]
146 hao6se81 後生 Son, sons. [hou4sheng1] “兒子。”
57 hu4 si4 lao5 pue3 lang3 lao3 mia3 虎 死 留 皮 人 留 名 Quotation from the long poem "Kuan4 She4 Bhun3 [勸世文] (Advice to the World)" by Lu4 Liu1xian1 [呂 柳仙] (Lv3 the Willow Fairy.) When a tiger dies, its pelt remains; when a person dies, his fame remains. [hu3 si3 liu2 pi2 ren2 liu2 ming2]
12 ho1tao3 niao1qi1bhui4 虎頭 貓鼠尾 Start with the tiger's head but yet end with a mouse's tail. Something that starts big but ends small. [hu3tou2 mao1shu3wei3] “虎頭 蛇尾。”
20 wei6dang5 wei6sai1 話東 話西 Talk east, talk west. To have a random and wandering talk, usually casually. [hua4dong1 hua4xi1] “話東 話西”, “説長 説短”,“聊天 說地。”
191 pai81 cu4bi81 壊 厝邊 Bad neighbor. [huai4 cuo4bian1] “壊 鄰居。”
3 bhai4 ge1 gao6shai4 壊 更 厚屎 Ugly and full of crap. [huai4 geng4 hou4shi3] “醜人 多 作怪” 或者 “醜 八怪。”
17 bhai1go5go3 壞糊糊 Ugly. [huai4hu2hu2] “醜 ” 或者 “很醜。”
184 ge5 nua2a4 雞 媛子 Female chicken. Usually referring to a young female chicken before she becomes a hen. [ji1 yuan2zi0] “小 母鷄。”
186 ge5bhe1 ka5cheng5 cui6 雞母 脚穿 嘴 Mouth of gossips. A mouth that functions like the ass of a hen. [ji1mu3 jiao3chuan1 zui3] “鷄婆 嘴。”

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