台灣 俗語

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次序--- 臺語發音-- 用漢字表達----------------- 英文解釋----------------------------- 國語發音及類似用語
Order Pronunciation Expression Explanations When pronounced in Mandarin & Mandarin counterpart(s)
21 bhe5 zai3 hi84hi86 無 才 兮兮, 無 才 耳耳 Plain, talent-less, with an emphasis on appearance. Usually in reference to someone who appears mediocre or even stupid. [wu2 cai2 xi1xi1]
113 bhe5dai6 bhe5ji6 無代 無志 Without any reason. Without any excuse. [wu2dai4 wu2zhi4] “毫無 理由 的”, “完全 不講 道理 的。 ”
135 bhe5en3 無緣 Have no mysterious tie in between. To have an inexplicable animosity toward somebody. [wu2yuan2] “無緣”,“也 不 知道 怎麽 解釋,反正 看到 這個 人 就 覺得 討厭討厭 怪怪 的!”
116 bhe5yi4 bhe5yi6 無意 無意 Pretend nothing happened when embarrassed. [wu2yi4 wu2yi4] “不 好意思 又 裝成 沒事 的 樣子。”
201 kan5 di5ge1 牽 豬哥 Herd a stag pig for business. [qian1 zhu1ge1] “趕 豬哥 四處 給 母豬 懷孕 的 營生。”
153 kan5tua1 牽拖 Blame. [qian1tuo1] “怪罪。”
159 sio5pa4 ge2a4 相打 鷄子 Street gang members. Also a nickname for the small gunboats of the Republic of China's Navy. Those small gunboats won this special nickname because of their frequent encounters in battle with the Mainland China Navy and won certain outstanding distinctions. [xiang1da3 ji1zi0] “小混混”, “小流氓。” 也是 中華民國 海軍 小 礟艦 的 別號。這種 小 礟艦 因爲 經常 與 中共 海軍 接觸 而 頗有 盛名。
174 o2a4, han5ji3 芋子,甘薯 Taro, sweet potato. A person who came from other provinces than Taiwan is referred to as a taro; a Taiwanese is referred to as a sweet potato. [yu2zi0, fan1shu3] “芋頭,番薯。” “外省人,本省人。”
36 dan5 zhui1le3 響 水螺 Sound the siren. Zhui1le3 was a large water-snail; its shell was used to sound the siren before the modern version of the public alarm system was put in place. [xiang3 shui3luo2] “拉 警報。”
156 du1a4 遇子 Just now. Just a moment ago. [yu4zi0] “剛剛”, “就是 剛剛。”

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