台灣 俗語

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次序--- 臺語發音-- 用漢字表達----------------- 英文解釋----------------------------- 國語發音及類似用語
Order Pronunciation Expression Explanations When pronounced in Mandarin & Mandarin counterpart(s)
127 qieng5ki4 siu86 清氣 相 Immaculate. [qing1qi4 xiang4] “潔癖。”
54 qieng5ge1 liu5liu1 清潔 溜溜 Clean and sleek. [qing1jie2 liu1liu1]
112 lao4shi2 a4 漏翅 子 Girl left alone from a group and easily become a prey for predators. [lou4chi4 zi0] “流鶯。”
90 kua4cui6 jia6 su4hong1 濶嘴 吃 四方 When you see a male with a big mouth (literally), you will likely say this to him, meaning "a big mouth will be able to eat in the four corners of the earth and will never starve." It can also mean "to prosper in the four corners" and so on. [kuo4zui3 chi1 si4fang1]
69 bhe6 jieng6bhe5 de6 未 曾未 就 Act rather too quickly. For example, A applies for a job, and instead of waiting for the result to come, he already celebrates by throwing a party. To describe a situation such as this, we will use the expression "bhe6 jieng6bhe5 de6 and so on..." [wei4 qian2hua4] “還 看不到 那麽 半點 影子,就 已經。。。”
74 ghue6niu3 月娘 The Moon Lady. The moon. [yue4niang1] “月亮。”
97 ghui6lai5 月内 Within one month after having given birth to a baby. [yue4nei4]
152 wu6 ji6le5 pia5 有 一個 癖 Have a propensity for something bad. [you3 yi2ge4 pi4] “有個 癖好”, “有個 壞 習慣。”
163 wu6 hua1do5 有 法度 There is a way. [you3 fa3du4] “有 辦法。”
123 an4nai5 按内 Entertain a guest. [an4nei4] “招待。”

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