台灣 俗語

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次序--- 臺語發音-- 用漢字表達----------------- 英文解釋----------------------------- 國語發音及類似用語
Order Pronunciation Expression Explanations When pronounced in Mandarin & Mandarin counterpart(s)
26 cao1me1a4 lang3 ge5gang1 草螞子 逗 鷄公 Grasshopper rouses a cock. [cao3ma3zi0 dou4 ji1gong1]
202 ti4ki4 鐡齒 Iron-teethed, very stubborn [tie3chi3] “極端 固執 的。”
164 ti4ghu3 鐵牛 Iron buffalo. The self-powered mechanical tiller with handles in the rear so that the farmer can control from behind to till the ground. [tie3niu2] “有 手把, 農夫 走在 後面 操縱 的 動力 耕耘 機。”
197 min5 you5you1 面 憂憂 Having a face that is soaked in worries. [mian4 you1you1] “愁容 滿面。”
87 tao3 ka1 dua6 sin1 頭 較 大 身 Head becomes larger than the body. When one has too much to worry about, his head becomes larger than his body. Also see "ji6lia6 tao3 neng6lia6 dua5." [tou2 jiao4 da4 shen1]
170 dieng1guan3 頂高 On, on top of. [ding3gao1] “在。。。上面。”
145 ang6gun1 gin2a4 項頸 筋子 Neck. [xiang4jing3 jin1zi0] “脖子。”
34 go4 lang5 wan6 顧 人 怨 Position or something that easily causes complaints. [gu4 ren2 yuan4] “吃力 不 討好。”
98 wui6sieng5 bo6diu84 衛生 部長 Minister of Public Health literally, used to mock at somebody too picky about cleanness and hygiene. [wei4sheng1 bu4zhang3]
66 yao5gui4 ge1 se4ghi5 餓鬼 假 小意 Starving person puts on shyness and refuses the offer. [e4gui3 jia3 xiao3yi4] “忸怩 作態”,“裝模 做樣。”

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