台灣 俗語

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次序--- 臺語發音-- 用漢字表達----------------- 英文解釋----------------------------- 國語發音及類似用語
Order Pronunciation Expression Explanations When pronounced in Mandarin & Mandarin counterpart(s)
134 wu6en3 有緣 Have a mysterious tie in between. This concept is used to explain why a couple met -- among all the multitudes of the "rin5sua81 rin5hai4 [人山 人海] (People Mountain People Sea,)" why two particular people met and became a couple? Hmm.... [you3yuan2] “有 緣份”,“月下 老人 牽 紅綫。” 或者 “也 不知道 怎麽 解釋,反正 看到 這個人,就 覺得 很爽利!”
136 ri6tao3 日頭 The sun. [ri4tou2] “太陽。”
45 ni5 xi1 擰 絲 Pick up even a tiny thread. Extremely thrifty; very, very careful before throwing anything away. [nie1 si1] “小氣 嗒嗒 的。”
166 shiu5gia81 收驚 Collect and expel the Surprise Spirit. See "shiu6dio6 ce85gia81 受到 青驚 (Surprise has entered the body.)" [shou1jing1]
40 bang4hui4 e6 ge1de1 gio4 giu4hui4 放火 的 更在 叫 救火 One who set the fire calls people to put out the fire. Crying wolf. [fang4huo3 de0 geng4zai4 jiao4 jiu4huo3]
89 ai4sui4 mu6gia85 lao5 pi86zui4 愛水 不驚 流 鼻水 When a girl or a woman wants to look pretty, she will risk catching cold by not putting on enough clothes. [ai4shui3 bu4jing1 liu2 bi2shui3]
51 gui5 sieng5ku1 tia84 liao1liao4 整 身軀 疼 了了 Ache all over the body. [zheng3 shen1qu1 teng2 liao3liao3] “全身 發痛。”
132 gui5e5 tao5ka5 ghong6ghong6 se4 整個 頭殼 戇戇 旋 So confused as if the whole head is whirling around. [zheng3ge0 tou2ke2 zhuang4zhuang4 xuan2] “迷迷糊糊”,“只 覺得 一只 腦袋瓜 兒 團團 轉。”
10 go6 bu1 li6jiong1 故 不 離章 Let us get back to our subject (after beating around the bush all this time.) [gu4 bu4 li2zhang1] “言 歸 正傳。”
47 pa4 gun5tao3 打 拳頭 Practice martial arts. [da3 quan2tou2] “習 武術”, “練 功夫。”

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