台灣 俗語

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次序--- 臺語發音-- 用漢字表達----------------- 英文解釋----------------------------- 國語發音及類似用語
Order Pronunciation Expression Explanations When pronounced in Mandarin & Mandarin counterpart(s)
92 ho5sin3 雨神 Fly, flies. [yu3shen1] “蒼蠅。”
11 Hun5Diong3 min6jieng3 bhu1 Guan5de1 雲長 面前 舞 關刀 Show off a skill in the face of The Master. Guan5de1 is a special long-handled knife invented by Guan5 Hun5Diong3, and therefore, bears The Master's name. [Yun2Chang2 mian4qian2 wu3 Guan1dao1] “班門弄斧。”
157 lao6 o2a4 老 芋子 Old veteran soldier or soldiers. Usually referring to the veterans who came to Taiwan with Jiu81 Diong5jieng6 Zong1tong4[蔣 中正 總統] (President Jiang3 the Square and Upright) also known as Jiu81 Gai4shi1 Wui1wan5diu84 [蔣 介石 委員長] (Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek.) [lao3 yu2zi0] “老兵。”
175 lao6 Jiu84 e6 老 蔣 的 Intimate title given to Jiu81 Diong5jieng6 Zong1tong4 [蔣 中正 總統] (President Jiang3 the Square and Upright), known in other countries as Jiu81 Gai4shi1 Zong1tong4 [蔣 介石 總統] (President Jiang3 the Upright Stone)or Jiu81 Gai4shi1 Wei1wan5diu84 [蔣 介石 委員 長] (Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek.) [lao3jiang3de0] “蔣 總統。”
57 hu4 si4 lao5 pue3 lang3 lao3 mia3 虎 死 留 皮 人 留 名 Quotation from the long poem "Kuan4 She4 Bhun3 [勸世文] (Advice to the World)" by Lu4 Liu1xian1 [呂 柳仙] (Lv3 the Willow Fairy.) When a tiger dies, its pelt remains; when a person dies, his fame remains. [hu3 si3 liu2 pi2 ren2 liu2 ming2]
12 ho1tao3 niao1qi1bhui4 虎頭 貓鼠尾 Start with the tiger's head but yet end with a mouse's tail. Something that starts big but ends small. [hu3tou2 mao1shu3wei3] “虎頭 蛇尾。”
180 kun1tao5 kun1tao3 KUN頭 KUN頭 Slightly-round body that looks healthy and also rather powerful. [ken3tou2 ken3tou2] “有點 虎背熊腰 的 那種 體態。”
138 sao4qiu1 ce81 掃帚 星 Comet. An ill-luck inducing person. [sao4zhou3 xing1] “剋星。”
124 gua86dia85 提訂 Ritual of getting engaged. As part of the ritual, cakes will be put in boxes and distributed to friends and relatives in baskets; therefore the word "gua86 [提] (to carry a basket.)" [ti2ding4] “訂婚 的 禮俗。”
178 she5 yi82a4 搓 圓仔 Kneed the sweet-rice balls with two palms. When people in Taiwan observe the Festival of dang5zhe5 [冬至] (the Arrival of Winter,) December the 22nd, they will do this. The parents will also tell their kids that from this day on, they are one year older. They will also say: "yi85yi83 dua6 tan4ji83 [圓圓 大 賺錢] (round and round and bring in big big bucks.)" [cuo1 yuan2zi0]

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