台灣 俗語

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次序--- 臺語發音-- 用漢字表達----------------- 英文解釋----------------------------- 國語發音及類似用語
Order Pronunciation Expression Explanations When pronounced in Mandarin & Mandarin counterpart(s)
32 gan5a1 e6 bang4 ge5shai4 bhe6e6 se85 ge5neng5 僅子 會 放 鷄屎 不會 生 雞卵 Only be able to extrude crap and not able to lay eggs. To only make trouble and no production. [jin3zi6 hui4 fang4 ji1shi3 bu2hui4 sheng1 ji1luan3] “專 會 搗蛋,不 事 生產。”
194 chuan1 gua6gui6 喘 大氣 Paint with long and deep breaths. Such as one does after serious physical exertions or astonishment. [chuan3 da4qi4] “氣喘 如牛。”
18 qieng4gua6gua5 嗆呱呱 Cocky. [qiang4gua1gua1] “嘬 得 要死。”
56 wan5ge1 冤家 Quarrel. [yuan1jia1] “吵架。”
84 ghen4tao3 冤頭 Person to be dumped faults upon. A stupid person. [yuan1tou2] “冤 大頭。”
61 chu1 shai1 出 師 Graduate from an apprenticeship. [chu1 shi1]
93 dao4 sa85gang1 兜 三工 Help. [dou1 san1gong1] “幫忙。”
158 qiong5wan2 a4 充員 子 Conscripted soldier or soldiers. [chong1yuan2 zi0] “充員兵。”
76 qin4cai4 剩菜 Treat as leftover stuff. To not be picky. To let it be as much as possible. To finish up with as little effort as possible. To horse-horse-tiger-tiger it. [sheng4cai4] “隨便”,“馬馬虎虎。”
71 yong1 kia6 kia1 勇 丂一丫 丂一丫 Strong; as strong as a spring bull. [yong3 kia1 kia1] “壯的 像 頭 公牛 一樣。”

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