台灣 俗語

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次序--- 臺語發音-- 用漢字表達----------------- 英文解釋----------------------------- 國語發音及類似用語
Order Pronunciation Expression Explanations When pronounced in Mandarin & Mandarin counterpart(s)
29 he1se4 dang5dang1 好勢 噹噹 Fit snugly. To fit in a situation or position perfectly. [hao3shi4 dang1dang1]
4 he1jiu4 dim5 ong4de4 好酒 沉 甕底 Liquor of the best quality accumulates at the bottom of the urn. The best acts are reserved at the end of the show. [hao3jiu3 chen2 wong4di3] “好戲 在 後頭。”
80 ke4lang2 a4 客人 子 Hakkas. [ke4ren2 zi0] “客家 人。”
144 hai6wa1 jin5a1 hua85hi1 ga1 bhe1si4! 害我 真子 歡喜 及 要死! (Literally) it hurts me in such a way that I am so happy that I would die! (Meaning) it really makes me so happy to the point that I would die! (Or) it really makes me extremely happy! (Or) you bet! That sure makes my day! [hai4wo3 zhen1zi0 huan1xi3 ji2 yao4si3!] “叫我 真的 高興 死了!”
33 xio1kuao1 dua6 dai6ji6 小些 大 代志 Little big matter. Something to take serious but not too serious. [xiao3xie1 da4 dai4zhi4] “沉著 應付,不用 緊張。”
204 bhuei1a1gia84 尾子兒 Last-born son, youngest male among the siblings [wei3zi3er2] “老幺兒。”
91 den1 hong5sin3 展 瘋神 Show off. [zhan3 fong1shen2] “出 風頭”,“炫耀。”
154 cha5 bu1de2 a4 差 不多 子 Approximately. [cha1 bu1duo1 zi0] “差 不多 吧”, “大概 就是 這樣子 吧。”
199 xiong6gai4 he4 上界 好 Best of the best. Good at the top extreme. [shang4jie4 hao3] “最最好。”
58 mu86 zhai5 kin5dang5 不 知 輕重 Not mature, not knowing the differences between what are correct and what are not. Not knowing the significance if a bad move is taken and what differences it will make. [bu4 zhi1 qin1zhong4] “夯不郎當 的。”

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