台灣 俗語

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次序--- 臺語發音-- 用漢字表達----------------- 英文解釋----------------------------- 國語發音及類似用語
Order Pronunciation Expression Explanations When pronounced in Mandarin & Mandarin counterpart(s)
83 song1 wai85wai81 爽 歪歪! How cozy! Usually referring to the inside of a car, a room, or a house. [shuang3 wai1wai1] “真的 舒服 死人 了!”
119 san1 bi5 ba1 瘦 比 八 Be skinny. [shou4 bi3 ba1] “瘦皮 猴。”
99 se85 wei2a4 生 煨子 Cast iron wok for cooking. [sheng1 wei4zi0] “生鐵 翻砂 鑄成 的 鍋子。”
147 se85sen1 生鏽 Gather rust. Rust. [sheng1xiu4]
148 se85go1 生菇 Gather mold. [sheng1gu1] “發霉。”
111 san1be3 產婆 Midwife. [chan3po2] “接生 婆。”
63 hai84tao2 a4 甩頭 子 Stuff that makes people swing their head back and forth. Liquor. [shuai3tou2 zi0]
107 bhe5 ten5lion3 無 天良 Have no conscience. [wu2 tian1liang2] “沒 良心。”
162 bhe5 hua1do5 無 法度 No way. Hopeless. [wu2 fa3du4] “沒有 辦法。”
55 bhe5 zu5yong4 無 滋養 Ill nourishing. Being not good nutrition. Often used in other senses than physical, such as having bad influences on people's ways of thinking, etc. [wu2 zi1yang3] “沒 營養。”

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