台灣 俗語

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次序--- 臺語發音-- 用漢字表達----------------- 英文解釋----------------------------- 國語發音及類似用語
Order Pronunciation Expression Explanations When pronounced in Mandarin & Mandarin counterpart(s)
22 xi5gui1 wa1 dua6bieng3 西瓜 偎 大邊 Know how to take advantage of the situations. Literally, "when a watermelon is being cut, to know to stand on the side of the larger half." Used in critical or diminishing senses. [xi1gua1 wei4 da4bian1] “勢利眼。”
42 ma1ma1 hu5hu1 la4 馬馬 虎虎 啦 ! Horse-horse-tiger-tiger it. Let us let it pass without any more fussing. Referring to a job that is poorly done. [ma3ma3 hu3hu3] “隨便 啦 !” 或者 “管 他的 !”
14 pang5qieng4qieng6 香沁沁 Fragrant, permeating with or emitting fragrance. [xiang1qin4qin4] “香 噴噴。”
104 guan5gi3 bu2ghi4 zhin5 gun5zu4, ki1qiu4 bhe5hui3 dai6 jiong4hu1 觀棋 不語 真 君子, 起手 無回 大 丈夫 Pair of comments printed between the two halves of the checker board. They are saying, "quiet audience are real gentlemen; not redoing a move indicates a manly player." [guan1qi2 bu4yu3 zhen1 jun1zi0, qi3shou3 wu2hui2 da4 zhang4fu1]
171 bian1sen2a4 騙仙子 Swindler. [pian4xian1zi0] “騙子。”
65 gia85 ga1 bhe1 si4 驚 及 要 死 ! Scared to death! [jing1 ji2 yao4 si3] “嚇 死 了 !” “ 嚇 死 人 了 !”
5 qi4 kua84mai2 ya4 試 看覓 子 Try and see what happens. Also: let us eat and see what happens. Let us put it on and see what happens. Etc. You can see how frequently expressions based on this pattern are being used. [shi4 kan4mi4zi0] “試試 看。”
20 wei6dang5 wei6sai1 話東 話西 Talk east, talk west. To have a random and wandering talk, usually casually. [hua4dong1 hua4xi1] “話東 話西”, “説長 説短”,“聊天 說地。”
121 qia81 lang5ke5 請 人客 Have a banquet prepared to entertain the guests. [qing3 ren2ke4] “請客。”
141 ta6ce5 讀冊 Study. To go to school. [du2ce4] “讀書”, “上學。”

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