台灣 俗語

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次序--- 臺語發音-- 用漢字表達----------------- 英文解釋----------------------------- 國語發音及類似用語
Order Pronunciation Expression Explanations When pronounced in Mandarin & Mandarin counterpart(s)
68 hao6diu84 giam5 gong4jieng1 校長 兼 摜鐘 Wear multiple hats, in the sense of taking care of everything. Literally, the principal of the school also tolls the bell. [xiao4zhang3 jian1 guan4zhong1] “大事 小事 都 包辦。”
133 dong4 e6 diao3. dong4 bhe6 e6 diao3. bhe6 e6 kam1 ji6. 棟 會 住。 棟 不會 住。 不會 堪 之。 Can stand. Cannot stand. Cannot stand or tolerate a weight, a burden, a pain, a hardship, etc. [dong4 hui4 zhu4][dong4 bu2hui4 zhu4][bu2hui4 kan1 zhi1] “撐得下”, “受得了”, “受不了”, “撐不下”, “支持不住。”
173 lao5dieng4, lao5ka1 樓頂,樓脚 Upstairs, downstairs. [lou1ding3, lou2jiao3] “樓上,樓下。”
114 wai5ge5 qi6chua4 歪糕 擠 拽 In a crazy order or manner. [wai1gao1 ji3che3] “亂七 八糟。”
151 si1 kiao4kiao6 死 翹翹 Be dead soundly. [si3 qiao4qiao4]
16 shui1dang5dang1 水噹噹 Beautiful. [shui3dang1dang1] “漂漂亮亮 的。”
77 zui1lao5 si1 水流 屍 Body thrown into the river to let it flow with the current -- instead of buried in the ground. In ancient times, when the family could not afford a proper burial, this thing did happen. [shui3liu2 shi1]
35 He5 Le1 lang3 河 洛 人 People that came from the areas He5 and Le4. These areas are in today's Northern China where the provinces of Shandong, Hebei, and Henan are. The so-called Taiwanese originally came from that general area. [He2 Luo4 ren2] “台灣 人。”
193 diam6 zhu5zhu1 沉 珠珠 Dead quiet. Literally "pearls sunk at the bottom of the water," referring to a person being quiet without making any noise. [chen2 zhu1zhu1] “不聲不響。”
2 diam6diam5 jia6 sa85wa81gong5 bua86 沉沉 吃 三碗公 半 Still water runs deep. To have finished eating three and a half large bowls of rice quietly. In Taiwanese, a large bowl is called a "wa81 gong1 [碗公] (Grandpa bowl.)" [chen2chen2 chi1 san1wan3gong1 ban4] “看 不 出來。”

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